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  57 Clio Campus Sport
"The much anticipated Gran Turismo 5 release date is soon to be known with Sony confirming a 2010 release and when pressed further, intimated that an October release is what is being aimed for. Initially leaked to the media in 2006 waiting for Gran Turismo 5 has been like waiting for peace in the Middle East, its arrival always just out of reach."
  Octy VRS
Also past caring but I will still buy it. Putting all the absurd delays behind, I can only assume it will be seriously good. If not it will be the biggest failure in gaming history. I can't imagine they will put out a less than perfect product. We will see I guess.
  Nippy white cup
True but the vids they keep presenting are mostly replays or prerendered with terrible engine/tyre screech SFX...I think there is going to have to be a major turn around if they make it worth the massive wait

  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I've loved every GT, I will buy it as soon as it comes out, but it's a frigging piss take how long they're spending on it. It has to be way better than any GT fanboy could ever imagine.

Will definitely get a 360 next month, need a decent driving game back in my life, been waiting too long. Not long for F1 2010 either.

My money is on a November release for GT5.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm still extremely skeptical. As a previous GT fanboy, I swore by it. Then I played Forza 2.

Then Forza 3.

The bar's been set. Twice.

If it plays anything like Prologue, it'll be terrible and a huge disappointment.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah. I played Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3 last week at a mate's house.

Those triggers are a joke. Really uncomfortable too. :(
  french bit of tat
I'm still extremely skeptical. As a previous GT fanboy, I swore by it. Then I played Forza 2.

Then Forza 3.

The bar's been set. Twice.

If it plays anything like Prologue, it'll be terrible and a huge disappointment.
hence the fact it has taken so long. i would have bought a 360 instead of waiting but i am poor (kids and mrs). saying that, by the time it comes out you will be able to get a 360 with forza for a tenner at a car bootie. takes the piss
better be worth the wait.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
The whole pad is a joke. It's so old that hands have actually evolved slightly since it was introduced.

lol what's wrong with the controller? Barely played on an xbox so never got over the struggle to adapt to it and compare.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
What's right with it?

I've got no gripes with it TBH but the PS controller is pretty much all I know. Haven't used a PC game pad in donkey's years and playstations are the only consoles I've had.

Was just wondering why the xbox controlled is preferred by those that have experience both properly?
Would be funny if T10 could get Forza 4 out before GT5. Assuming they start work on it soon, they could do it.

I really don't see the point in T10 releasing FM4 on the 360 as theres little left to rinse from it. FM2 to FM3 was a big leap and I have to say FM3 is a great, no an excellent game but aside from polishing or releasing additional car packs I can't see FM4 looking much if anyything different to FM3.

Xbox is 5 years old now and graphically it hasn't improved since 2008 (am thinking games like gears 2) I am sure T10 could squeeze a little more out of it but nothing like the difference between 2 and 3.
I've got no gripes with it TBH but the PS controller is pretty much all I know. Haven't used a PC game pad in donkey's years and playstations are the only consoles I've had.

Was just wondering why the xbox controlled is preferred by those that have experience both properly?

It's just way better dude. The sticks are in a more natural position, the whole thing fits in the hand better, and the triggers are easier to modulate. TBH in all SRS, the PS3 pad is ok for games like Uncharted 2. I find the x360 controller far better though. In fact I use one with my PC too.
I really don't see the point in T10 releasing FM4 on the 360 as theres little left to rinse from it. FM2 to FM3 was a big leap and I have to say FM3 is a great, no an excellent game but aside from polishing or releasing additional car packs I can't see FM4 looking much if anyything different to FM3.

If they tweaked the current engine, so the graphics remained pretty much the same but found more room for 'proper' advancements, I'm sure it would be worthwhile. I hate the perceived necessity of having to make it look nicer (which eats a ton of resources whilst they could be working on physics, AI etc). Three major things spring to mind...

Suspension modelling would be nice, that would open up a whole world of cars that can't currently be included (i.e. anything with exposed suspension, so everything from open-wheeled race cars to the Caparo T1, Caterfields, Ariel Atom etc)

More cars on track. 8 is laughable, and is below the minimum number specified by most championships..."Motorsport" it isn't.

Weather. A pretty obvious one but something that would require a massive overhaul.

Aside from that, loads of tweaks that they've made a mess of this time around, such as local leaderboards, car specific leaderboards, a much better balanced Class system and customizable single player gaming.
If they tweaked the current engine, so the graphics remained pretty much the same but found more room for 'proper' advancements, I'm sure it would be worthwhile. I hate the perceived necessity of having to make it look nicer (which eats a ton of resources whilst they could be working on physics, AI etc). Three major things spring to mind...

Suspension modelling would be nice, that would open up a whole world of cars that can't currently be included (i.e. anything with exposed suspension, so everything from open-wheeled race cars to the Caparo T1, Caterfields, Ariel Atom etc)

More cars on track. 8 is laughable, and is below the minimum number specified by most championships..."Motorsport" it isn't.

Weather. A pretty obvious one but something that would require a massive overhaul.

Aside from that, loads of tweaks that they've made a mess of this time around, such as local leaderboards, car specific leaderboards, a much better balanced Class system and customizable single player gaming.

I really do rate FM3 as a top Game, but I just don't think any more advancements/suspenson modelling is necessary, they have nailed the core dynamics but there is no need to try and simulate a PC Simbin style racer, for one the current crop of consoles isn't up to it and for two with most people using the joy pad would you actually notice these things anyway? I suspect some may say they can but most won't;)

As for 8 cars, well 4 vs 4 was also the same for gears 2, I just don't think the current architecture wil take any more than 8 at that level of graphics.

Weather effects add a significant strain on system resources and are not of this gen unless you dumb the graphics down. The PS3 had some nice weather effects in Ferrari challenge but the overall level of graphics was far below FM3.

As for tweaks they could be patched out on the existing FM3 if they really wanted.

I honestly think we have seen the limit of the current consoles, I have no doubt GT5 will look better than FM3 but I doubt it will play better, its one or the other imo. 512megs of ram wouldn't even come close to running a netbook nowadays so why do we put up with it for (sub) HD gaming;)
Agree. The consoles are maxed. They are using tech that was out of date when they were released 5 years ago. Now, they are just SRS holding back the graphics market.

They are awesome and they are very capable but, be blunt, they are stuck in the last gen. Sadly, software devs are constrained to what the current gen can do. If the consoles had tech similar to current PCs, they would be running Forza 5 at 2560x1600.
Consoles can barely manage 720p, a lot of games are sub 720P including that new kiddies game coming out soon, Reach up and say hello or Hello:Reach ;)

PC's were doing 720p in 2003

I actually hate to agree with Roy but am just being realistic;)
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Are consoles that out of date?! I always thought the specs looked low comapared to high end PCs let alone gaming computers, but thought it was the way the came together and customised for performance.

With the rumours of a 360 Slim version possibly on the horizon with a combined CPU/GPU chip, do you think that'll upgrade the 360 performance wise or is it likely that it'll just allow the same performance but more efficiently? Could be an announcement at E3 next month when Natal is a shown.

It's just way better dude. The sticks are in a more natural position, the whole thing fits in the hand better, and the triggers are easier to modulate. TBH in all SRS, the PS3 pad is ok for games like Uncharted 2. I find the x360 controller far better though. In fact I use one with my PC too.

Can't wait to check it out for myself then. One of the major problems I have is that on GT4/5P and occasionally on F1 CE, I use the triggers to change gear, so the odd few times I've played on Forza, I've struggled with the controls but really want to use the triggers to acc/brake as that make a lot of sense.
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
It's a joke, no matter how you look at it. A game that was due to be released 3 years ago, is still only apparently 90% built, and still doesn't have as much as a release date. No matter how good it is when it eventually goes on sale, it won't be worth the 3 year wait. This will cost Sony millions, and they'll be fully aware of it. Come the ps4, look out for a new rival title release.
to be fair i wouldnt do much work if the game had become so delayed and all the boss appears to do is turn up at race tracks around the world and drive posh cars lol!!
Are consoles that out of date?! I always thought the specs looked low comapared to high end PCs let alone gaming computers, but thought it was the way the came together and customised for performance.

In hardware terms, yes, they are using very old tech. It's obviously unfair to draw a level comparison with PCs, because they are far more expensive and specialised and, like you say, the console devs do an amazing job with what they have at their disposal. The consoles offer fantatsic visuals for what they are, at an affordable price. However, the PC market always needs to stay a step ahead in order to keep driving the tech that will eventually end up in consoles. Probably the biggest gap at the moment is resolution. 720p just doesn't cut the mustard in the PC world. Most console games also struggling to draw anywhere near 60 frames. PC tech lets you run the biggest res and highest frames that your wallet can handle.

The problem we currently have is that very few developers are making software that can really stretch a high-end PC. Games like Bioshock for example barely have any graphical options. My PC could play that game, switched off. Crysis on the other hand can still bring a super PC to it's knees at 2560x1600. Let's hope Crysis 2 continues that theme whilst also lookng good on the consoles. The consoles are great. I own them and use them, but play Crysis on vMax at 1920x1200 @60fps and you will have a differene view on PC gaming. Plus, you get to use the contols that Chuck Norris uses for shooters - keyboard & mouse :cool:


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'm still convinced gt5 was set for near release until Forza 3 came out and they though f**k! We better get our fingers out!
  Nippy white cup
Are consoles that out of date?! I always thought the specs looked low comapared to high end PCs let alone gaming computers, but thought it was the way the came together and customised for performance.

With the rumours of a 360 Slim version possibly on the horizon with a combined CPU/GPU chip, do you think that'll upgrade the 360 performance wise or is it likely that it'll just allow the same performance but more efficiently? Could be an announcement at E3 next month when Natal is a shown.

Can't wait to check it out for myself then. One of the major problems I have is that on GT4/5P and occasionally on F1 CE, I use the triggers to change gear, so the odd few times I've played on Forza, I've struggled with the controls but really want to use the triggers to acc/brake as that make a lot of sense.

I was the same tbh m8...but as Roy said the level of control with the 360 pads triggers is excellent and you will soon adapt to it

Imagine playing Forza 3 with no ABS and using the PS3 triggers? PMSL f**king forget about it. The irony, given the subject matter here, being that the PS3 will never have a racing game that good anyway. Even IF GT5 ever appears.

Gally, you may well be right about Forza 3. I would just love to understand the business model behind GT5. Either someone has unlimited funds, or they hope to sell about a billion units. OR, as I have often suspected, development actually stopped a long time ago and it will never go gold. </conspiracy>


ClioSport Club Member
Imagine playing Forza 3 with no ABS and using the PS3 triggers? PMSL f**king forget about it. The irony, given the subject matter here, being that the PS3 will never have a racing game that good anyway. Even IF GT5 ever appears.

Gally, you may well be right about Forza 3. I would just love to understand the business model behind GT5. Either someone has unlimited funds, or they hope to sell about a billion units. OR, as I have often suspected, development actually stopped a long time ago and it will never go gold. </conspiracy>

LOL. True.

The triggers are epic on the 360 pad. But they work especially well on FM3 and MW2.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Cheers Roy.

I'm not a massive gamer, mainly driving, football and a couple of shooters. But one game on pc I always wished I could run at top graphics was Grand Prix 4. Not really tried it on couple of our newer systems as it's an old game now, but I used to dream of running that at top spec. But my Dad prefered cheaper dreams so I never pushed him for the best components.

Lol at Chuck Norris' shooters. I struggled using them on Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein back in the day, might have to try again soon!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
It's just way better dude. The sticks are in a more natural position, the whole thing fits in the hand better, and the triggers are easier to modulate. TBH in all SRS, the PS3 pad is ok for games like Uncharted 2. I find the x360 controller far better though. In fact I use one with my PC too.

I wouldn't do that to my PC. It would be like dressing up an 8-year-old son in a sailors outfit and letting him go on an ocean voyage aboard HMS Gary Glitter.

Could he/it ever forgive me afterwards?



ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Imagine playing Forza 3 with no ABS and using the PS3 triggers? PMSL f**king forget about it. The irony, given the subject matter here, being that the PS3 will never have a racing game that good anyway. Even IF GT5 ever appears.

Gally, you may well be right about Forza 3. I would just love to understand the business model behind GT5. Either someone has unlimited funds, or they hope to sell about a billion units. OR, as I have often suspected, development actually stopped a long time ago and it will never go gold. </conspiracy>

Owning both the ps3 and the xbox I prefer GT to forza, forza is abit like playing an arcade game, I how ever agree with the triggers as I dont/cant play with controllers, the games come to life much more when using a stering wheel (logitech g25) ..... Hopefully GT5 will come one day who knows if it is any good but my PS3 wont get much use if it is crap.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Roy.

I'm not a massive gamer, mainly driving, football and a couple of shooters. But one game on pc I always wished I could run at top graphics was Grand Prix 4. Not really tried it on couple of our newer systems as it's an old game now, but I used to dream of running that at top spec. But my Dad prefered cheaper dreams so I never pushed him for the best components.

Lol at Chuck Norris' shooters. I struggled using them on Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein back in the day, might have to try again soon!

Ironically, I tried this about a month ago. I ramped up all the gfx options to the max and impressively, it ran fine on Windows 7 64-bit. If anything - it was a little too fast and certainly didn't have the 'feel' or feedback of the likes of GTR Evo.

That said, Geoff Crammond is a god in my eyes and I'm far from slating a deity! :cool:

I wouldn't do that to my PC. It would be like dressing up an 8-year-old son in a sailors outfit and letting him go on an ocean voyage aboard HMS Gary Glitter.

Could he/it ever forgive me afterwards?


That's silly. If you're playing something like Tomb Raider, you'd be be hard bent to use K&M.
