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ClioSport Club Member
apologies its backwards

4:40PM Big applause! "It'll be fully playable in 3D, with both game modes on one disc."



4:39PM Coming November 2, 2010!

4:38PM It looks amazing... but when is it coming out?

4:37PM "You can see the breadth and depth of the content coming to PS3." Is that it? Nope, Gran Turismo 5 time!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
LOL. are people still waiting for this?

Lol - just what I was thinking. It's borderline pointless now, imo. It's been so dragged out, so over-hyped, that it will never be able to fulfill its potential.

Just how many years did players cry out for Gran Turismo on the PSP? And where did that piss-drip in the ocean of expectation end up?

I think even if I had a PS3, I'd merely rent this from Blockbuster or something. Sony must have SO much faith in Polyphony to make a worthwhile game.


The game includes approx 1000 cars, 800 standard 'upscaled' cars from previous GT games, and 200 premium cars fully modelled to the smallest detail, the 800 standard cars "won't have interiors".

What have they been doing for 10 years?!
  Nippy white cup
That vid of the test track looks immence...but then the looks have never been an issue..I bet the sfx aren't anything like on that vid tho

  Nippy white cup
It should do as everytime they seem to be close to releasing it someone else brings a driving game out and they delay it again! There is no denying that it is by far the best looking driving game (although thats on the replays, the driving view isn't that mind blowing imo) but the sounds are still shocking apart from a few distinctive motors and by all accounts the cars still float around like they are on ice.

The way the cars feel on forza is nigh on perfect imo....go out in an elise then take heavier car like a 370z and straight away you can feel the weight difference which I don't think GT5 (or at least the versions out upto now) can replicate
  Octy VRS
So to anyone who's said they won't buy this, if they fix the handling, sfx and any other niggles people have had with previous versions, IF it turns out to be the best most perfect game ever made, and I mean a big IF. Why? Purely out of principle?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It would have been out earlier if Forza 3 wasn't so good, i'm still convinced that's what happened!


  The Cleee-O
I bought a PS3 solely to get this game, it's just never-ending the wait for it. First PlayStation I've ever owned, and TBH I'm thinking of getting a 360 now because it has Forza. It's just beyond a joke how long they've taken to 'tweak' it and that. And it will probably be a sensational game when it does come out (if it ever does :rolleyes:). But as said above, it will NEVER live up to the hype that has been created around it, just because there is too much. I will love it when I finally get it, but I know that I will be thinking 'It's brilliant, but why has it taken them so long...'


ClioSport Club Member
Yet another video that shows f*ck all. :(

And not all cars have the interior viewpoint? Seriously. It's not like they've been rushing it.

  Octy VRS
Originally Posted by GTPlanet
EuroGamer was first to share new details that emerged from the private GT5 presentation Yamauchi hosted at E3 on Wednesday, and now we’ve got even more information from MotorTrend, Kotaku, IGN, and GameSpot. Now, in addition to the new details I’ve already covered, here’s what we know:

* Polyphony Digital is working on reducing load times and is still tweaking graphics ahead of the November release date.
* The game has nearly filled all of the space available on Blu-Ray disc.
* You’ll have the option to synchronize the game’s time of day with the track’s current local time.
* The crowds will be dynamic, so there will be more tents, cars, and motorhomes at longer races.
* Yamauchi admits his team may have “actually gone too far in modeling some of this detail” and suggested it might be “more suited to the next generation of PlayStation.”
* Both high and low-beam headlights will be included, so you can flash slower cars as you’re about to pass them (how awesome will this be during the 24 hour races!?!). All lights will illuminate dirt, smoke, or other debris in the air.
* NASCAR insisted that all of their series’ cars be playable on all circuits in the game.
* It was previously mentioned that only 9 NASCAR cars will be included, but this was incorrect. There are simply 9 cars in the E3 2010 demo, but “many more” are coming.
* With the exception of profanity, all of the Nurburgring’s graffiti has been re-created, just as it is in real life. According to Kotaku, they will attempt to keep the graffiti up-to-date before the game is shipped.
* Players will be able to maintain an online profile to share and watch friend’s progress and statistics.
* All cars (including standard models) will accumulate dirt and will have functional horns.
* All cars will have functioning reverse lights.
* More information will be revealed at Gamescom in Germany on August 18-22.
* More Formula 1 teams will bring their cars to the game, in addition to Ferrari.
* “While racing the 24 hours of Nurburgring, you can smell people’s barbecues — we couldn’t recreate that.” — Kazunori Yamauchi

Unfortunately, despite all of these details, there is still much confusion regarding the status of interior views on the 800+ “standard” car models in the game. Kotaku provides the most optimistic description:

The developers have created fully modeled interiors for the Premium cars, as well as doing detailed modeling for the car’s undercarriage and even the exhaust pipes! The Standard cars apparently won’t have the exact interior modeling. For example, an Enzo’s interior will look like the real deal, but your typical Mustang’s will look like exactly like Mustang’s.

Take that for what you will – hopefully Yamauchi will be able to clear this up during his live Twitter interview with @Honda tomorrow (12:00 PM, Pacific time, Thursday June 17th).
  Clio 172 Cup
Nursing a semi just at the thought of it.

For the haters, am sure your a slight shade of green in reality :approve:

Shot gun a collectors edition!!
With the exception of profanity, all of the Nurburgring’s graffiti has been re-created, just as it is in real life. According to Kotaku, they will attempt to keep the graffiti up-to-date before the game is shipped.
They must have had budget to burn
far too much unneeded detail been put in imho

I love the little details like dirt accumulation and the headlight stuff they are doing...but if the AI still drives around on rails and smashes into you if you brake a bit early it's all for nothing.

Also, is it me or is the audio still bloody terrible?
Nursing a semi just at the thought of it.

For the haters, am sure your a slight shade of green in reality :approve:

Shot gun a collectors edition!!

I've got both machines and the cost of a copy of GT5 certainly wont bankrupt me. I'm not a sheep like fanboy getting all excited over specs/visuals. The real test will be how it plays, if it's anything like GT5p or the recent demo on PSN then I wont be buying a copy.
  Facelift R53 Cooper S
This game will be the best game ever.

The end.

Ps I hope they sort the sound effects out though, on GT5P the supercharged Cooper S didn't even whine :(


ClioSport Club Member
If it plays anything like GT5P, then it'll be shocking. :(

That really is one of the worst sims i've ever played.

Hopefully it's been sorted, since I'll get the game!
