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Gutted, sent it back.. black 182 paint..

Black Gold, Covered in lacquer swirls, DEEP lacquer scratches, and quite a few chips..

"oh thats the problem with black cars sir"

How is everyone elses new paint? :-(

What will they do now? fckin Tcut it?

  Clio 197

Mine was mint, on all of my renaults (1x 1.2 Metallic Grey, 2x 182Arctic , 1x 225 Inferno)

Ive also had a others delivered (A3 in solid black, mint), with no probs.
  Clio 200 Cup packed

my black finish is ok everywhere except the bonnet which looks like it needs t-cutting already, not sure why?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member

I had a few on mine - they obviously werent too clever on dewaxing it /finishin it off. Likewise, mines most noticable on the front bumper. Once the weather picks up a bit, Ill give it a full afternoon Auto Glym session.

Speaking of which, I noticed in Halfords that they did a specific post-wax laquer for black (or very dark coloured) cars. I may try some of that too...


Im gutted, I cant believe they try and feed you spiel like thats how black cars are delivered. Wasnt an INCH of paint that wasnt covered.

Anyone elses from Lloyds? Their renault dealer is going to get an arse kicking. If it comes back to me the same Im going to reject it.

How serious is the bodywork theyll need to do to rectify it guys?


My Black gold paint looked mint after i picked it up. After a few weeks on looking closely the paint has dull patches under the lacquer. Looks great when you stand back though...!!! Is this normal or should i get someone at an independent bodyshop to have look.? Before i go back to Renault.

probably, pretty much all dealers valeters use a sponge :sick: i tell them under no circumstances are they to wash the car when its in for a service. i regularly see monkies not only use a sponge at the dealer put pick it up and carry on washing after they have dropped it on the floor :mad:
  Ziel Nurburgring

Quote: Originally posted by Loony on 01 March 2005

probably, pretty much all dealers valeters use a sponge :sick: i tell them under no circumstances are they to wash the car when its in for a service. i regularly see monkies not only use a sponge at the dealer put pick it up and carry on washing after they have dropped it on the floor :mad:

Thats my worst nightmare

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member

sjtb - which dealership did you get it from m8? I went through Lloyds Car Select as well. Maybe its a ploy where semi-tarnished 182s get shifted through Lloyds, hence the cheaper price?

Or is that just me being paranoid??!

HAs anyone else had any problems with new cars on collection. Pooling your experiences could be useful and provide a rough guide of what regular flaws to look for.


Quote: Originally posted by Loony on 01 March 2005

probably, pretty much all dealers valeters use a sponge :sick: i tell them under no circumstances are they to wash the car when its in for a service. i regularly see monkies not only use a sponge at the dealer put pick it up and carry on washing after they have dropped it on the floor :mad:

Ditto Loony, i told them that last wednesday when i dropped mine off for its service.

They could of valeted it thou, its filty inside.


After giving my black gold 182 its first proper wash today I also noticed a few swirl marks and a few scratches :( guess the paint must be prone to this...

black shows swirls up more easily than other colours, the clearcoat should be the same its just black shows the marks other colours might hide. dont use a sponge!

dont use a sponge!

So what do you use?

The only jet washes near me use that lovely brush - yknow the one: last guy uses it and finishes of with his wheels then leaves it in the grit

lambswool or synthetic washmitt/cloth. they are less likely to scratch than the evil sponge, use the two bucket method too to cut down on chance of marking the clearcoat. there is a thread up the brazo and some of the guys on here posted, basically an idiots guide to car cleaning.


  Shiny red R32

My black car is just three years old and still looks new with no swirls even after loads of wash and waxing!

You are right to send it back, that is dreadful to sell a new car like that :sick:

Sorry to hear that sjtb To be honest teh car should be okay if you click on teh below link something like a pc can get rid of the swirls quite easily without inducing any marring.

TBH I wouldnt let renault do it they will probbaly use something like a rotary buffer which in trained hands can be more effective than a pc but you have to be highly skilled to use it and Highly skilled and renault wash guys well just dont mix hee hee!

They may even have used a rotary in the first place to polish up your paint and induced the marks then.

LOL at Loony the born again mitt man;)

Darren - Sutton Park in coventry is where they get their clios anyway. Im now seriously thinking of rejecting the car and telling them to get me a new one - its just the fckin WAIT - and not having another car!

The driver paid £7 for a carwash ("ive only jetwashed it mate") according to his sheet - never heard of just a jetwash costing that! Reckon he used a brush or something as per soepy!



Best plan for all people buying a new car is to insist that the dealer does NOT prep your car, indeed offer to pay them more if they leave it alone!

Naturally they wont take your money but it will shock them enough to remember not to attempt to f**k it up! Indeed if they say we can apply wonder this or that coating for £300 say Ill give you £600 not to apply it with your buffing machines that will instantly put marks and holograms into my paint. Same principle they wont take your money but you wont be inclined to do it as a favour!!!

what is the world coming to! I feel awkward having to tell them stuff like please put the number plates on straight, and please dont scratch the paint - its like telling them how to suck fckin eggs.

Like the donkeys they employ to read your utility meters, thats their fckin "SKILL", and they still fck it up ALL the time.

im so gutted, lets have a vote reject or "fix"?!

i asked that my number plates be stuck on front and rear rather than screwed it, what do they do ? rivet the c**ts on :mad: so now i have to drill the rivets out to swap my plates.
  106 GTi

Sorry to hear about your car. Picked mine Black Gold 182 up today and it looked really good. Rained as soon as I left the dealer tho, and the car got covered in crap so I couldnt inspect it at my own will when I arrived home. Finally dried up this afternoon and the sun came out, so I gave her a wash. A few small marks which look they will polish out a couple off panels looked a touch hazy in the bright sun, nothing like how yours sounds. I am hoping with just a mild polish be hand that mine should be ok. One thing I did notice on mine was a blob off yellow paint on the side sill, which polished off luckily.

I asked them to stick the plates on which they did, suprised at that and the fact they had no dealer rubbish printed on them either.

Wshed mine with a brand new lambswool mitt to be on the safe side too.
  106 GTi

Quote: Originally posted by Darren S on 01 March 2005
I noticed in Halfords that they did a specific post-wax laquer for black (or very dark coloured) cars. I may try some of that too...D.

The new Autoglym you mention is Ultra Deep Shine. It will hide your swirls rather than remove them. I picked up a bottle the other week, Its seems quite non abrassive to me. I will try and see if it does much to the minor marks on my car tomorrow weather dependant.
  Octy vRS & Ninja 650

My car was covered in cat scratch marks when i got it, they did try n polish em out, but u can still see em in sunlight, but my cars covered in marks now.

Fook me, stories like these really make me angry! What are the dealers playing at, do they think you have shelled out on a new pair of shoes rather than saving your hard earned cash for months before purchasing, in some cases, your first new car..then they go and put the plates on wonky and buff it with a pubic sponge! It would be rejected instantly if I was in that position, w*****s. :mad:

Hope you get something resolved eventually. Kick up the biggest fuss possible.
  Embarrassed to say

Rejected my cup for the same reasons a month ago. Got my new one today and its perfect although the bad weather is a downer for the first day of ownership.
  106 GTi

Weather has been pants, shame was looking forward to today for ages.

I explained to the salesman what I was like about my paintwork, I am thinking now that he did listen to me.

thanks for the support lads, if ONLY i had mentioned paint. I feel like the fckin guinea pig so they dont do this in future. IF they bring the car back and its ok looking I think i will accept it, but i want 500 quid off or something, sound reasonable??

  106 GTi

If the swirls are not deep they will polish out. Danger being If the person doing the machine polishing is not very good things may just get worse. I would have refused mine too if it had been like yours. It was so dull and gloomy this morning I was dreading seeing mine in the sun. If they do a good job I guess I would accept it, you should get something for the troubles.

cheer r-jay. for the 2 minutes i spent in it driving it it felt better put together than my 172 did, so heres hoping.

must remember to tell them NOT to use it as a run about, it had 8 miles on it by the way, so i want it to remain at 8/9!
  106 GTi

Thats good to hear mine had 9. The salesman said he had been down the road to petrol in it tho!


Id def reject it on principle & tell them to stick it up their arse, Nothing other than a full replacement from France would do, No respray or polishing bollox either
If they dont co-operate get a solicitor and then go to another dealer mate for another one and tell them up front youll take no sh*t
