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Half-Life 2: Revisited

The first game is fantastic also, but it has some serious flaws in today's context. The controls are unforgiving and feel very digital. There's not much in the way of 'feel' to it, and there seems to be no inertia or acceleration. One small tap of 'W' can send you shooting off the edge of a cliff in an instant. It makes jumping sections especially annoying. Half-Life 2 of course is way more natural feeling and doesn't suffer in the same way, but there are still a few moments where you'll curse the controls for getting you killed. Then again, it's not really surprising given the amount of stuff you have to do in the game. It's a bit different to "go find the glowing yellow RPG launcher, then go over there and hit that tank exactly three times"

Would you recommend playing number one or stick with number 2?
Definitely play the first game before Half-Life 2. It isn't essential I suppose, but IMO it would be a shame to not know the story of how it all started.
Be aware that it's now 2013. The graphics in Half-Life can be described as 'dated' at best. You could try Half-Life Source, which is basically the first game but with some spruced up visuals from the second game's Source engine. It still looks terribly old though. The biggest noticeable difference with the Source version is the water and some reflective surfaces, but generally it's very old looking.

Also try the spin-offs Opposing Force and Blue Shift. Both are excellent. You essentially play the game through again twice, from the perspectives of two different characters. I won't expand anymore on those as it may spoil your experience of Half-Life. Opposing Force is especially good. IIRC both Blue Shift and Opposing Force are shorter than the full game, but also both essential plays IMO.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
If you haven't played Half-life before and as Roy has said we are now in 2013, I would seriously recommend you play Black Mesa, it's basically Half-life with much better graphics and refinement to the levels.
I don't mind bad graphics I like to play game from back in the day from the old Xbox games like last week I downloaded Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. Challenging game but crap graphics just adds to the experience :).
Good man I shall invest in it at some point. I want to start the portal games as well only ever played the demos but loved the challenges.

Portal 2 has SO many links to the half life series, its excellent. 1 is a lot shorter than 2, they were kinda testing the water, but 2 pulls out all the stops and is amazing.

Will be right back on that once i've settled another HL2 itch.
Christ! I didn't realise it was nearly ten years old! (Although I don't know why seeing as I bought it at launch) and Episode 2 is six years old!

Someone will no doubt correct me, but when Episode 1 came out didn't Valve come out and say they planned to release episodes yearly instead of big game releases like we were used to? I take it they then retracted that after they realised it would be a massive undertaking.
That or they've been working on the greatest game ever conceived for the past six years...
I think Valve were somewhat shocked by the success of Steam, and it's kind of taken over.

Although, one would be foolish to think that they don't also still have an interest in Half-Life. After all, six years was the gap between the first and second games. I'm living in hope that a new Half-Life game is coming. It seems inevitable really. Hopefully the delay in the most recent years has been partly due to technology limitations with the current consoles.

But then there's also talk of the Steam Box 'console'. Interesting times ahead for Valve. I just want HL3 already!!
  RS Clio 182
HL2 would be in my top 5 games ever - levels like Ravenholme are just class - may have to play through it again soon. Is there anything similar to it on PS3?? I love the Bioshocks but they are totally different types of games.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm looking forward to HL3 as well - but they will really have to pull out all of the stops on this one. Think about it - the previous games in the series have been voted almost god-like in their presentation and story-telling. Just how do Valve carry on from that? Awesome graphics simply don't cut it as game tour de force any more - gamers want much more background, much more player involvement with both the environment and the characters.

I'm not saying that Valve can't pull it of - but its one hell of a big ask to get it done right.

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I'm looking forward to HL3 as well - but they will really have to pull out all of the stops on this one. Think about it - the previous games in the series have been voted almost god-like in their presentation and story-telling. Just how do Valve carry on from that? Awesome graphics simply don't cut it as game tour de force any more - gamers want much more background, much more player involvement with both the environment and the characters.

I'm not saying that Valve can't pull it of - but its one hell of a big ask to get it done right.


It will be hard, especially how Valve are spending most of their time with Dota 2.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Most over-hyped game in existence. Graphics and Engine were good.

But the game and story made no sense and was generally a poor game all round.

Half Life 1 was the same.

  Titanium 182
I loved it first time around on the PC in 2004. However, replaying it on the 360 in 2007 was a bit of a chore. Some of the vehicle levels were far too long. Half-Life 1 is the better game, HL2 has the better engine and the gravity gun is excellent. Portal 2 is better than both of them, mind.

I also play in 2880 x 1800!
  Evo 5 RS
The whole series is simply great. The original is by far more entertaining though in my books. The Black Mesa mod is a testament to this.

I think Episode 2 was by far the best part of the series, if a little short being episodic. I do think that there is a lot of vapor praising for it though, it did a lot for the FPS franchise, but there are better games out there. To say the series is s**t though is factually retarded however.

The A.I in Half Life still produces some of the most nail bitingly tense gun fights you'll ever play to this day. None of that Kill Zone come at me bro s**t.
Been continuing with this casually. It's bloody hard in places but always worthwhile persisting. Agree with Scone. Some of the combat is great. Well all of it really.

Just entered the citadel. Amazing level.
  Yaris Hybrid
At the time I thought this game was absolutely amazing.

However I think when replaying it these days it is maybe just above average because most of what you saw in the game was copied by others and is kind of par for the course these days with fps.

One thing I didn't like even when I played it the first time was that dark scary town with the vicar guy and those b*stard things that come running up the drain pipes or whatever at you when you were on the roof. That area just went on too long and wasn't fun. I guess that was the only part of the game that felt like a grind and made me want to get back to doing the stuff I had been enjoying on previous levels.
Ravenholm. Already been discussed.

I'm not really sure what the game copied exactly. Other than the obvious fact that it was a shooter? The combat styles and enemies were distinct and massively varied. The gravity gun was ground breaking. The story was also amazing.

I finished Half-Life 2 this evening and started on Episode 1.


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Ravenholm. Already been discussed.

I'm not really sure what the game copied exactly. Other than the obvious fact that it was a shooter? The combat styles and enemies were distinct and massively varied. The gravity gun was ground breaking. The story was also amazing.

I finished Half-Life 2 this evening and started on Episode 1.

Think they mean HL2 has been copied loads since in other games and it's diluted the original experience.
  LY R26
For anyone who hasn't played HL1 before I suggest playing the original, then maybe Black Mesa after to see the changes/improvements and whatnot.

Nothing against Black Mesa at all, its a good remake. But if you want to experience Half-Life in its true original state then play the first because it is pure GOLD.
  LY R26
Half-life sticker on my cup (well a cut up hl2 one) nice and subtle. Had an Evo Magazine sticker before but thought I'd have something different and not car related.


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Ravenholm scared me :(

Best game series ever though. Wish Gabe would hurry up and release the 3rd installment. HL 1 led me into CS, where i spent 8 years playing a game :(
