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Have apple now fixed the iPhone 4 antenna issuse already?

Am I allowed to mention that I'm on my third iPhone 4 and every one has suffered from the antenna issue - or will that get deleted as well?
It really is an issue.

Got out the tube yesterday, took me about 8 minutes for it to get signal again.

Had a nokia with me too, same network provider, signal instantly.

iPhone4 is nice, but as a phone, not that good.

How can it take 8 mins to register signal again.

Considering taking it back and getting a phone that actually works.

Battery is not an improvement either.
It sounds like you have another problem with the handset. Get it swapped with Apple.

Despite all three of my iPhone 4s having the antenna issue, the added signal strength has been excellent. When you cover the lower left black strip with a finger, the reception drops slowly to 'No Service', but goes back to normal signals levels within a second or two. Very occasionally, I can't replicate the problem - probably in areas of exceptional signal strength. But as it's a mobile phone after all, and that signal level won't be there all the time.

People on here telling everyone there is no issue at all is just irresponsible.

That said, it's still the best phone I've had, just get yours swapped as soon as possible.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
It really is an issue.

Got out the tube yesterday, took me about 8 minutes for it to get signal again.

Had a nokia with me too, same network provider, signal instantly.

iPhone4 is nice, but as a phone, not that good.

How can it take 8 mins to register signal again.

Considering taking it back and getting a phone that actually works.

Battery is not an improvement either.

Your phone sounds buggered.

I can reproduce a drop in signal by gripping the phone in the "death grip" manner, and I have poor signal where I work, but it doesn't cause me to go to "no service".

When I use the tube or go through a tunnel it takes a matter of seconds to regain signal.

The battery is a massive improvement over my previous 3G.

As said, your phone sounds fucked. Take it back and exchange it.

I don't know how anybody could make a phone call while holding the phone in the death grip position because it's not comfortable or natural.

Half the problem with this is that people believing that "signal bars" relate to some quality of call metric.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
If it's so bad, why do you still have one?

Or more to the point, don't touch the phone there.

If it drops a couple of bars, it's not a problem, if you think they somehow relate to some useful metric then you're sadly mistaken. The only thing you need to be concerned with is if you have or don't have service.
Or more to the point, don't touch the phone there.

If it drops a couple of bars, it's not a problem, if you think they somehow relate to some useful metric then you're sadly mistaken. The only thing you need to be concerned with is if you have or don't have service.

I have literally facepalmed at this. The phones drop to 'No Service'. I'd say that 'No Service is a useful call metric, wouldn't you? What you say about the display is true - I can hang on to calls and they're perfectly clear at one bar - which is why the phone is maybe the best out there.

Saying 'don't touch it there' is unbelievably naive. I'd hazard a guess that a lot of people would hold the phone with their thumb (right hand side), index finger (on the back, near the Apple logo) and middle finger (in the problematic bottom left). Now that to me seems perfectly normal. Not some 'Death Grip' scenario or like someone without opposable thumbs might hold a mobile.
  Clio 182ff
Lol, how long have you worked at Cupertino?

lol - I know someone who does. I have been working in product design for six years and know that EMC is a black art and can crop up in any stage of development. Apple have been unlucky in this instance cos their testing and validation dept is top notch - normally.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
I have literally facepalmed at this. The phones drop to 'No Service'. I'd say that 'No Service is a useful call metric, wouldn't you? What you say about the display is true - I can hang on to calls and they're perfectly clear at one bar - which is why the phone is maybe the best out there.

Saying 'don't touch it there' is unbelievably naive. I'd hazard a guess that a lot of people would hold the phone with their thumb (right hand side), index finger (on the back, near the Apple logo) and middle finger (in the problematic bottom left). Now that to me seems perfectly normal. Not some 'Death Grip' scenario or like someone without opposable thumbs might hold a mobile.

No service is, but the bars aren't useful, they're just helping the propagation of something which has been wildly blown out of proportion, people see dropping bars and think that it's a problem, it isn't.

If you're dropping to no service, unlucky, all I can say that I can't reproduce this in anywhere other than the middle of nowhere where any phone would struggle. I can reproduce dropping bars anywhere, but they're nothing more than a pretty icon showing less bars.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Lol, how long have you worked at Cupertino?

lol - I know someone who does. I have been working in product design for six years and know that EMC is a black art and can crop up in any stage of development. Apple have been unlucky in this instance cos their testing and validation dept is top notch - normally.

And knowing somebody at apple puts you in exactly the same position as everybody outside that particular group in apple, hearsay, conjecture and Chinese whispers! I also know this because I also know somebody inside the iPod special applications group and It's more than their job is worth to even utter anything, on visits back here he has had prototype phones in his possession, nobody other than himself was allowed to touch it and definitely no pictures were allowed!

Sure, the antenna has a weak spot, it's well publicised, but as you point out apples facilities are awesome, given how pedantic they are with ATI and nvidia and system stability on the mac platform, there's no way the iPhone would have got the greenlight if they believed there was a problem, that's just not Apple.

EMC is definitely a black art and apple have the best engineers in the world (as you'd expect when they're not far off becoming the worlds largest consumer of semiconductors) but only those deep inside the inner sanctum will know truly how big a deal they expected this to be.
Haven't had it that long.

Been busy most weekends and evening, so hence why I still have it,

Will change it, but my life doesn't revolve around my phone so I can put up with it for a while longer.


If it's so bad, why do you still have one?
If it is a problem get rid of it... It really is that simple. What's the point in coming on here, saying my iPhone has this problem this problem and this problem but still f**king use it and make excuses like my life doesn't revolve around my phone.

Some people on this forum really grind my gears.

/Apple fan boi.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
does revels have shares in apple ??? the i phone 4 simply was not ready and rushed end of

Seriously dude, if Apple didn't believe it was ready, it wouldn't have shipped, end of.

This is Apple we're talking about, not Microsoft.
They did believe it was finished, it doesnt mean it was...

They made a mistake unfortunately.
I don't think it was rushed, I think they just tried to bite off more than they could chew with the antenna design. They're still relatively new to phones don't forget.
  Clio 182 cup'd
I've played with three phones in three separate locations, all of them suffer from the death grip. Not to the extent of them going to no signal, but still obvious.

Then I read this thread and people are still banging on about there being nothing wrong with the design. Funny!
I've played with three phones in three separate locations, all of them suffer from the death grip. Not to the extent of them going to no signal, but still obvious.

Well done. You do realise that every single phone in the world does that?

Or is your trolling clouding your judgement?
  Clio 182 cup'd
Well done. You do realise that every single phone in the world does that?

Or is your trolling clouding your judgement?

No you are wrong, it is possible to 'block' the signal on other phones yes. But to bridge two different external antenna's causing the signal to drop by interfearing with each other is unique to the iPhone 4.
"Every single phone in the world" Lol

I really like my iPhone 4, but I can't say it isn't without fault. We gone from "my phone is perfect" to "every single phone in the world does that" in this thread. Laughable
I don't think any of my phones have ever dropped signal because of the way they are held. Some strange comments in this thread...
  Mk2 Golf GTI
No need to get your panties in a twist. A lot of what I've seen on there has come to light recently. It's on other sites too in Spanish.

In either case, your semi-aggressive response is quite sad really. I won't be doing one anywhere.
Yes the issue is there, and not quite sure why some people don't quite understand this! If you don't like it, and its a big issue - don't buy the iphone!

It has been mentioned that most phones lose signal if you hold them at a certain part, this may be true (I can't actually confirm this, as I have not tested every phone in the world), but its seems this only happens if you are holding the phone upside down and back to front.

The iphone is flawed, but its such a good product and it looks pretty, it has and will continue to sell by the bucket load.
  Clio 182 cup'd
Take note of the website and then do one.

I've been a member on macrumors for years its the most unreliable place ever for accurate news, probably due to the fact its based around rumors.

I thought macrumours was like a bible to some "informed" members on here. Most the stuff you read on Apple chat on here is a direct lift from there anyway!
Pipe down!

It's a simple explanation as to why I have not done it yet.

I suggest you review how you reply to people.

If it is a problem get rid of it... It really is that simple. What's the point in coming on here, saying my iPhone has this problem this problem and this problem but still f**king use it and make excuses like my life doesn't revolve around my phone.

Some people on this forum really grind my gears.

/Apple fan boi.
