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Hi all

  mk1 clio rl 1.2
Hi all new to the forum, just bought myself a mk1 clio 1.2 rl paris. I've got it as a cheap runaround whilst my other car is in the garage getting restored.

My brother whos a mechanic used to own it and looked after it well, serviced regurlarly and changed the cambelt. It was the sold to my mum, then to my brother in-law and now to me! :S

It's low mileage 55000, has a few dents here and there, the red paint is faded badly! and the bonnet doesnt line up properly after someone in a 4x4 with a towbar reversed into it when my mum had it.

Hoping to get some of the dents out, the paintwork back up to scratch, change the instruments so i have a rev counter and water temp gauge, some color coded bumpers and depends how long i keep it for maybe a power transplant.. thinking 16v :approve: trying to do this without spending lots of cash on it as my main focus is on my other motor!

So expect to see me posting a lot of noobie questions! thanks, james.
