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Hi input amps

  1.8 Civic EX
ok so I know some of you have mentioned before about amps that can be run from the rear speakers to amp up a sub...

anyone got any links to any?

I've got a sub sitting at home doing jack all so thought I might stick it in the 172 for a bit of bass missif!
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Not sure that's possible??? :S

Amps are ment to power speakers & subs, not the other way around

Do you mean you want to add a sub & amp to your car?
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
You need a line level adaptor which takes the speaker output (high) and reduces it to a low level signal.


If your amp is capable of running mono for subwoofer output, here is a trick I have used many times, but dont tell anyone.;)

Hook the line level adaptor up to the pos+ on the right rear speaker and the neg- of the left rear speaker.

  1.8 Civic EX
Cheers If a i get one of these line level jobs I wire that in as you say, + to the right and - to the left then connect the line level adaptor to my amp which then goes to the sub...

what about the RCA's and remote?
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
BIRAN ???? do you work in an Indian restaurant??:dapprove:

The RCA cables go from the adaptor to the amp and you can pick up the remote from the back of the head unit.
If its the standard Renault head unit, its pin 5 on the connector (the one thats hidden from view) count 1-3-5-7 right to left on that row.


You didn't say if your amp has MONO input and a low pass filter ?
  1.8 Civic EX
haha sorry, dyslexic fingers...

Didn't realise the remote stills needs wiring through :( the idea was so I didn't have to run any cables through the car...

Yeah it's a mono amp, it's the Alpine MRD-500 Digital job..
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Ill let you off this time..

You will need a trigger to switch the amp on and of course you will need to run the main power cable to the battery. So you cant avoid running cables.....

I cant remember what inputs there are on the MRD-500, I will have a look in a mo.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I Give up .....I cant find a wiring diagram or instructions for a MRD500, have you got anything ???
  1.8 Civic EX
Oh I still need to run the power and the remote...I'm guessing I'm still going to need to put a ground in to somewhere? so does the line level adaptor only save you from having to run the RCA's all the way through thee car?

I'm sure someone said there is an amp that actually gets the power from the speakers? or am I getting very confused and it's actually just a way of running the RCA's due to there being no RCA output on the back of the standard headunit?!?

I Give up .....I cant find a wiring diagram or instructions for a MRD500, have you got anything ???

I will have at home work at the moment...

on a slightly different note...I have a Blaupunkt (sp) the moment that I'm thinking of putting in the clio as it has an 80 gig harddrive with it...are there cables for this for it to connect to the display and stalk control's?
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  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I think you are getting confused......

If your head unit is equipped with line level output (RCA connectors) thats obviously the best way to hook up an amp.

If it isn't, then the adaptor reduces the output signal that goes to the speakers (high) to the same sort of signal that comes from the RCA outputs (low)

If you use this signal via the adaptor to drive an amp, then you still need power from the battery, signal to switch it on from the head unit and of course an earth.

The RCA cables then connect your amp to the adaptor.

OK so Far ?????

If you are connecting up the amp to drive the speakers in place of the output from the head unit, then you use both channels (Stereo)

What I was telling you is a way of leaving the head unit driving the rear speaker but then tapping off a mono signal from them to drive the amp, via the adaptor, in single channel mode (MONO) to drive a sub woofer.
  1.8 Civic EX
I got ya! I've wired up quite a few systems before and you're right, I clearly got confused over what others have said...

the Blaupunkt has the right out puts so I may just go down the normal route then instead of using the Line level adaptor...

Thanks for clearing it up for me though...

any idea on the leads for the display and stalk controls? ;)
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
No problem, glad to be of help.

There are lots of combinations but I think its safe to say you will get the stalk working but not the display, with a BP unit.
