I think you are getting confused......
If your head unit is equipped with line level output (RCA connectors) thats obviously the best way to hook up an amp.
If it isn't, then the adaptor reduces the output signal that goes to the speakers (high) to the same sort of signal that comes from the RCA outputs (low)
If you use this signal via the adaptor to drive an amp, then you still need power from the battery, signal to switch it on from the head unit and of course an earth.
The RCA cables then connect your amp to the adaptor.
OK so Far ?????
If you are connecting up the amp to drive the speakers in place of the output from the head unit, then you use both channels (Stereo)
What I was telling you is a way of leaving the head unit driving the rear speaker but then tapping off a mono signal from them to drive the amp, via the adaptor, in single channel mode (MONO) to drive a sub woofer.