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how do delete/cancel my mobiles internet settings?

away to dubai in two weeks, will need to check e-mails when away so instead of taking laptop going to use my mobile with its wifi connection....i have the unlimited 02 bolt on for internet but not overseas....i dont want to risk it using it rather than wifi to connect...i use a c905 se...any help would be appreciated!!!
  Nissan Jewk
I've no idea how O2's software works, but with regards to T-Mobile for example, on my N95, I search for a wifi signal, connect to it and I get the option to browse the net that way, so it doesn't even attempt to log onto T-Mobiles internet, if that makes sense? Surely the c905 has that same facility?
If you want to be certain it won't use the internet connection inside the settings part of the phone there will be a connectivity part. In there are all your o2 internet settings. Find the option to delete or change it and just change all the wording inside it. Try connecting to the net once you have done that and check its done it correctly. When you get back to the UK just go to the o2 website/shop and they can resend the settings down to the phone. Just remember it may stop the ability to send MMS so you cant send pics back to people in the UK.
