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How long will you be keeping your Clio?


ClioSport Club Member
I've tried this on another forum and interested to see what kind of responses I get from some of you guys.

How long do you see yourself and want to keep your Clio for?

I made a mistake with my Williams in selling it and with the Trophy I'm trying to make sure I don't do the same and can see myself eventually storing the car when it no longer makes sense to drive it each day.

I'd expect some of you with the older Clio's prehaps the Williams crew to go down the 'forever' route and maybe those just bought 200's to keep it for 2/3 years.

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ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I always said i'd keep the valver forever and ever, but a friend has mentioned selling his moonstone 3 door Sierra Cosworth so tbh, If someone offered me the right money, the valver would be history!!
when i bought my clio 182 4 years ago i only planned to have it a few years. its been great for the four years ive had it and had alot of fun, but next year its time for a change


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
I kept the 172 for 6 years, I doubt i'll keep the 200 that long as I know for a fact it wont be in the same condition in 6 years. It's already falling to bits.
Until I've got a house etc sorted. The 182 makes the most sense for me right now as it's not that expensive to run and still quick enough to keep me entertained on the road. Done the slow car thing - bored the s**t out of me
  1998 BMW e46 323i
Till it goes bang. It's worth more to me than I'd ever get for it, and I still like it. Yeah it annoys me, but as a package it's ideal. Thought I'd keep it a year or so, but that was 80,000 miles and nearly 5 years ago ...
I kept my 182 for five years but that was mostly because I couldn't be bothered to change it. Felt about 15 years old when I sold it.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I plan on upgrading in 12-18 months. I thought of keeping it forever as it's wouldn't be worth a huge amount then but it most likely wouldn't feel as special.
  E36 Coupe & Mk4 Golf
I think around another 12-14 months then will keep as a runabout or give to my sisters.


ClioSport Club Member
By christmas it'll be the longest i've ever owned a car (1Y2M) so maybe change in the new year. I am quite attached to it though (more than any other car/bike), and would love to keep it alongside anything else I buy in the future.

I think how much I can sell/part ex it for will determine how long I keep it, if in the new year I cant get £4k out of it then i'll keep it until it is worth so little I can justify having a second car if that makes sense. I keep thinking about chopping for an r26/r27 but i'd probably have to get finance with them and if I did trackdays I'd have to buy insurance and it puts me off.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Until it dies and then breaking whats left as its worth near to nothing whole.
  A red missile
I've had the Trophy now for 5 years, just had it's MOT and had a lower ball joint done, apart from that the comment was it's in pretty good condition. Can't say i'll rushing to change, a stainless exhaust is on the cards this year along with a major dent pulling session which it badly needs - it's never going in a bloody supermarket carpark again - ever :mad:
  Turbo LY R27
I intend on keeping my R27 till it no longer works, i know i'd miss it if i sold it. I want to keep it as a track car in years to come, all bought and paid for and a brilliant package for track use. Its on Kw v3's so i'll prob do a few engine bits and strip it. Its worth more to me than what i would get for it so might as well. I'll just buy another car when the time comes. All my other cars i've not been fussed about selling but this one seems different lol!


  RS Clio 172
I can see myself owning the Clio for at least another year yet. Looking at buying a house so cars have taken a back seat :(
  ph1 track weapon
also someone who doesnt hold onto cars for long, but having regretting selling my cup earlier in the year, then getting my ph1 recently, i think this ones gonna stay, just need to have the funds for a daily so i can start turing the ph1 into a more track-dedicated car :D
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I've had the LY 182 from new for almost 5 years. Never thought how long I'd be keeping it for, but TBH there is nothing out there at the moment that I'd consider changing it for other than an R26 but simply can't afford it.

So for now I'm planning on keeping it till it eventually dies, or the other half decides it's time for children
I sold my 172 after 7 months. I had a change of circumstances which meant a car wasn't necessary. I'll probably end up back in another one simply because of how much I miss it. I had planned on keeping it untill it died.
  Stagecoach Ticket
The 1.2 has got to go :( love tht car

the ph1 172 will be with me untill it fully dies or gets eaten by a barrier at lydden hill


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Mines here for good.... If and when i need a more practical car, then the Clio will be parked in the Garage and used as a Toy.
i was going to sell mine at 45k.

just hit that figure and looking at the amount on pistonheads currently and the drop in price i think ill keep it untill i really have to sell it
