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how many owners has your 182/172 had?

how many owners?

  • 182 - only me!

    Votes: 54 32.1%
  • 182 - 2 including me

    Votes: 33 19.6%
  • 182 - 3 including me

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • 182 - 4 plus

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • 172 - only me!

    Votes: 16 9.5%
  • 172 - 2 including me

    Votes: 30 17.9%
  • 172 - 3 including me

    Votes: 15 8.9%
  • 172 - 4 plus

    Votes: 10 6.0%

  • Total voters


ClioSport Club Member
I always swore I'd never buy new...but I got such a good deal from (less than £10k as they paid waaaaaaay over the top for my Mondeo Part-ex), I thought why not.

Plus depreciation only comes into play when you sell a car...which I'm never going to do with this one :)
my 02plate 172 i bought new, my current 54plate 182 i bought new. All well and good saying you'll save money buying almost new but i got F&F on both and having seen the state of some secondhand cars mates have got i sometimes wonder if its a false economy. I'm picky and i know i'd take months finding a secondhand motor i was happy with.
Would this poll not be a lot more useful if people posted up how old their car is as well as the number of owners? The info would be much more useful then...

Bought pre-registered 172 in April '04 (possibly one of the last registered 172s?)
I'm second owner after the broker (got it with 12 miles on the clock!)
  182 cup pack
182 cup.Me only.Bought it in December 2005 but hit the road in January 2006.One of the last here in my country.
