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HTC EVO 3D Mobile Phone

  Clio 172 cup
Expected Q2/Q3 2011

24th March 2011
Heading for the Sprint network in the US, the HTC EVO 3D is an Android smartphone with a 3D display, similar in concept to the upcoming LG Optimus 3D.
Although the initial version of the EVO 3D will be a CDMA/EVDO/LTE 4G device, there are indications that a GSM / 3.5G version will be available too at some point, which is good news for those who want a 3D phone but don't live in the US.. but it will almost definitely have a different name.
The display is the main selling point here - a high-resolution 4.3" 540 x 960 "QHD" panel offering glasses-free 3D. As with LG's offering, the EVO 3D also has a 3D camera on the back - in this case capable of taking 2 megapixel 3D stills or 5 megapixels 2D pictures plus 2D and 3D HD video. There's also a front-facing camera for video calling.
Inside is a 1.2GHz dual core Snapdragon CPU with 1GB of RAM, which is the sort of power you will need to drive a 3D display of this resolution.
The HTC EVO 3D runs Android 2.3, and comes with everything that you would expect of a high-end smartphone including WiFi and GPS. In addition to the usual multimedia options there is an FM radio and optional HDMI cable, and it also comes with a number of HTC add-ons such as HTC Sense.
Most Android users struggle with power consumption, but the EVO 3D comes with a very large 1730 mAh cell which is quoted as giving up to 14 days standby and 7.5 hours talktime. This battery has about 50% more capacity than most rivals, which is certainly a good thing.
It's quite a heavy device at 170 grams (6.0 ounces) in weight, and it measures 126 x 65 x 12mm.. overall pretty similar to the HTC Desire HD. To look at, this is a fairly typical black slabby device with the unusual twin camera arrangement on the back.
We're not entirely sure when Sprint intend to make this available, although sources say sometime during Q2. HTC haven't confirmed any non-Sprint version either, but perhaps this will be announced as the HTC Desire 3D or HTC Incredible 3D or something similar very soon.
  clio sport 172
My contract is up and I was waiting to see what the Iphone 5 had to offer as i cant fault my 3gs....but reading up on some of these HTC's and im debating to swap.

Has anyone else done this? What peoples views on the HTCs?
  2014 Focus Titanium
Wow, if this is out at the same time as the iP5 I reckon I will probably upgrade to this instead, unless the iP5 really is something special!


ClioSport Moderator

Just LOL!

You really think that makes the iPhone LOOK dated? I'd rather carry a 3310 than that bloody thing.

Oh and just so you know, this isn't fanboy based hate, it's 3D based hate.

Everything has to be 3D now and until it all goes back to 2D I will rant.

3D looks awful, this isn't the 80's. No it's not "worlds apart from what was done back then". It is just a gimmick, utter BS.
  Clio 172 cup
Love the apple fanboys on here that refuse to believe there are better phones out there than the iphone

As a 3gs owner i am very much looking forward to what the IP5 has to offer but it is very quickly falling behind other manufactuers and i hate the fact the camera on the iphone is 2 years behind everyone else

These 3d phones are indeed a gimmick but they will no doubt sell millions well before the iphone5 has even been launched.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Love the apple fanboys on here that refuse to believe there are better phones out there than the iphone

As a 3gs owner i am very much looking forward to what the IP5 has to offer but it is very quickly falling behind other manufactuers and i hate the fact the camera on the iphone is 2 years behind everyone else

These 3d phones are indeed a gimmick but they will no doubt sell millions well before the iphone5 has even been launched.

Couldn't agree more sir. When I bought the 3GS there was nothing to rival it in the market, it was easily the best phone out there. Now there are several phones that rival and out-perform the 4.

Unless the iPhone 5 has a much bigger screen and an 8mp camera with 1080p video then I very much doubt I will be getting it. Screw all this gimmicky b****cks like facetime, I want something that genuinely makes me go WOW.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member

Did someone just say the camera on the 3GS was old? Have you checked to see how old your phone actually is? The camera on the iPhone 4 is incredible imo!

For a phone that doesn't really put gimmicks like that top of it's list it's immense!

The phone above looks s**t. I like HTC's but don't start comparing apples and oranges.

This phone isn't even out yet and you're comparing it to the 4 which is now a year old, maybe 2 years old in r&d terms. The irony of the fanboi is strong in here.
  Clio 172 cup
Ehhh?? Iphone4 camera is 5 mega pixels

My 8 year old daughters sony ericsson has a 12 megapixel camera lol

You wont see a 12 megapixel on a iphone until at least 2013...FACT
Your stupidity is unreal.

You moan about 'fanboys' but your first words are bitching about the iPhone 4.

This phone has no release date and you're comparing it to a phone that released 10months ago.

And megapixels means absolutely f**k all. It's just numbers for stupid people.
  Clio 172 cup
Since your the biggest apple fanboy on here i expected some comment like that from you.

Im not bitching about the iphone4 as in many repects its a great phone, just pointing out that many aspects such as this case the camera is way behind other models

And your right there is no release dates for the 3d phones yet but unlike the IP5 at least we know details and pics of its rival handsets


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member

When has megapixels every meant anything? I had an SE camera w900i epic phone, 2mp camera it would leave 5 even 8mp cameras standing expecially the samsungs.

The Canon 350d has an 8mp camera. Are you telling me your daughters phone takes better pictures? Silly.

If all you have to base your argument on is a phone camera you're wasting your time.
  2.2 bar shed.
Brb ditching my 5DII for 3 8 year old sony eriksons. The cameras on phones are always going to be s**t, I dont see why people see the necessity for an amazing camera on them. I want my phone to be for communication not taking photos.

Looks better than my iPhone 4 though. Shame it runs android though.
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
android is bad as it doesnt run on the iPhone ;o)

my desire HD was released about 1-2 months after the iPhone 4 and is streets ahead
  2014 Focus Titanium
Lol @ Revels & Gally Jumping on The Raiderman's back for saying the iPhone cameras are s**t.

Sorry to burst your bubble boys but iPhones have have a habit of introducing technology a least a year after other phones have. My iPhone 3GS for example has a 3mp camera with NO flash, and was released at the time when SE and Samsungs had 5/8mp cameras with LED/Xenon flashes. Before you start saying MPs mean f**k all, the 3GS camera can be 1mp ofr10mp for all I care, it's absolutely terrible and doesn't touch SEs and samsungs of that generation.

Then there's the iP4 5mp camera. Yeah it's good, but let's be honest, it's only "great" because the previous camera was a bag of w**k. In fact, I'm still yet to see a single picture come out of the iP4 that is any better quality than my old Nokia N95, which was released 3 years previous.

Other features where Apple are/were behind are:

Front facing camera
Camera Flash
Hi resolution screen

Apple have always pushed the boundaries in the user experience, which has been fantastic for the phone market because all the other makes have had to step their games up from the POSs they used to produce. I still iPhones are great phones and they will still continue to sell by the bucket load, but the only thing that set them apart from other phones was the user experience, and now the likes of HTC have caught up because Android is now a great OS. Therefore, to keep customers who like features they will need to start pushing the boundaries on hardware.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
android is bad as it doesnt run on the iPhone ;o)

my desire HD was released about 1-2 months after the iPhone 4 and is streets ahead

I look forward to hearing your indepth arguement as to why it's better.

Lol @ Revels & Gally Jumping on The Raiderman's back for saying the iPhone cameras are s**t.

Sorry to burst your bubble boys but iPhones have have a habit of introducing technology a least a year after other phones have. My iPhone 3GS for example has a 3mp camera with NO flash, and was released at the time when SE and Samsungs had 5/8mp cameras with LED/Xenon flashes. Before you start saying MPs mean f**k all, the 3GS camera can be 1mp ofr10mp for all I care, it's absolutely terrible and doesn't touch SEs and samsungs of that generation.

Then there's the iP4 5mp camera. Yeah it's good, but let's be honest, it's only "great" because the previous camera was a bag of w**k. In fact, I'm still yet to see a single picture come out of the iP4 that is any better quality than my old Nokia N95, which was released 3 years previous.

Other features where Apple are/were behind are:

Front facing camera
Camera Flash
Hi resolution screen

Apple have always pushed the boundaries in the user experience, which has been fantastic for the phone market because all the other makes have had to step their games up from the POSs they used to produce. I still iPhones are great phones and they will still continue to sell by the bucket load, but the only thing that set them apart from other phones was the user experience, and now the likes of HTC have caught up because Android is now a great OS. Therefore, to keep customers who like features they will need to start pushing the boundaries on hardware.

Well played for missing the entire point.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Well played you learned how to quote things out of context.

It doesn't surprise me that you own the inferior phone.
  Clio 182 cup'd
Well played you learned how to quote things out of context.

It doesn't surprise me that you own the inferior phone.

Lol how is it out of context? You think the camera is incredible, i don't think it is. The n95 and n82 were out way before the 3gs, let alone the 4, and they both have superior camera's.

The n8 is probably the most incredible camera phone out now, despite not being made by apple.

I have a desire HD, decent camera phone much like the iPhone 4, but i wouldn't claim it was "incredible", because its not.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lol how is it out of context? You think the camera is incredible, i don't think it is. The n95 and n82 were out way before the 3gs, let alone the 4, and they both have superior camera's.

The n8 is probably the most incredible camera phone out now, despite not being made by apple.

I have a desire HD, decent camera phone much like the iPhone 4, but i wouldn't claim it was "incredible", because its not.

Again go back and look what I said.

The camera is incredible for a phone that does not really care about gimmicks. The 3GS could have had a 20mp camera if they had wanted it to.

Apple will always have the best tech available, whether they want to use it in their phone is a different matter.

You're grasping at straws and I don't care I don't even know why I got into this argument over a bloody phone camera! FFS! No one gives a s**t!
  2014 Focus Titanium
Well played for missing the entire point.

And how exactly have a missed the point? Was it not you who debated that the camera was great on iPhones and that the 3GS was a two year old phone so it should only be compared with phones of that era?

Which other phones have a high-res screen like the iPhone 4? None. So how they can be behind on something they were first to do?

My old HTC Diamond 2 had 292dpi compared with the existing iPhone at that time (3G) which had 160dpi, Apple's next Gen phone (3GS) then sported the same 160dpi screen. It took Apple a further 14 months to bring out their phone which had that sort of resolution. They just marketed it well and gave it a fancy name so everyone thought they were breaking boundaries. They weren't, but fair play to Jobbs for making the world think that!

The camera is incredible for a phone that does not really care about gimmicks.

My irony-meter has just gone off the chart! Apple not caring about gimmicks lmao. That's what made Apple so successful ffs. It's not a bad thing it's just the truth!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member

You buy what you like and i'll buy what I like.
  Clio 182 cup'd
Again go back and look what I said.

The camera is incredible for a phone that does not really care about gimmicks. The 3GS could have had a 20mp camera if they had wanted it to.

Apple will always have the best tech available, whether they want to use it in their phone is a different matter.

You're grasping at straws and I don't care I don't even know why I got into this argument over a bloody phone camera! FFS! No one gives a s**t!

You obviously do give a s**t.

Any phone could have a 20mp camera if the manufacturer decided. The point is, like for like with other phones the same age or even far older phones, the iPhone 4 camera is not incredible. It matters not what apple "could" implement or whether you think the iPhone isn't about gimmicks.

Im not grasping at straws, I'm just correcting your incorrect opinion. I don't know whether its because you have apple goggles on, or you really haven't experienced alternatives that are superior in this respect.
The iPhone 4 camera isn't incredible, but it's much better than a 3GS. Phone cameras have always been for quick snaps. Take a pic of a car you spot. Your mate doing something stupid etc etc. Spur of the moment things. If you've gone on holiday sight-seeing, chances are you've taken a 'proper' camera with you. Whether it's from a Desire, iPhone 4 or an old Nokia, you aren't going to blow them up and make a 4ft canvas on your wall. The difference between them, once you've uploaded them to facebook, is negligible.

The best camera is the one you have on you.
  Clio 182 cup'd
The iPhone 4 camera isn't incredible, but it's much better than a 3GS. Phone cameras have always been for quick snaps. Take a pic of a car you spot. Your mate doing something stupid etc etc. Spur of the moment things. If you've gone on holiday sight-seeing, chances are you've taken a 'proper' camera with you. Whether it's from a Desire, iPhone 4 or an old Nokia, you aren't going to blow them up and make a 4ft canvas on your wall. The difference between them, once you've uploaded them to facebook, is negligible.

The best camera is the one you have on you.

Agreed, it was a massive improvment!
Which other phones have a high-res screen like the iPhone 4? None. So how they can be behind on something they were first to do?

HTC Sensation will have ;)

I'm not one for saying what is a better phone, all down to choice TBH, but Apple does finally have serious competition.

The camera argument is pretty null and void, as it was pointed out earlier, the pics from any device are just facebook snaps! But I think the argument on the resolution of screens is pretty naff also, the iphone may have that retina thingy, but side by side by most modern smart phones (IMO) it does not make a huge difference in every day use.

I think it just comes down to what operating system you enjoy!


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Lol its a phone Ffs. Oh and lol at Revels calling people stupid for thinking MP is how good a camera is... no people just don't give a flying f**k.
