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I have Nitro!!!!

ok, admittedly its not on my clio...yet, but on my MK1 xr2 as the clio is in peices and i wont be finished for a while. Anyway, i fitted a 35bhp kit to the stock engine, and it pumps around 125bhp now with N20. Its such a simple and easy system to intall, i have no idea why they cost so much. All in all, 500 quid for the entire system and 2 6lbs bottles. Goes like a frikin rocket, and all that the system uses is a facet pump, nylon pipe, a fogger, and 2 solenoids, no way is that 600+ quids worth or equipment!!!.
Anyway, highly recommended.

the kit came from hough & sons (hoffs) in ropley near winchester.I fitted the kit soitsovedmesomemoney,but their nitroissocheap,itsabout35 quid for 12lbsofthe stuff.Dunnowhy the solenoids aresoexpensive,and the fogger is such a simple device.....oh well.
Lofty: it would fit your car,it would fit any car,me and a mate designed a universal bracket so the whole lot can come off in two bolts and be swapped to another car. Allit does is tap fuel off after the fuel pump, takes this to a facet pump,then to the solenoid,nitro comes straight ot the solenoid,pipes to the fogger,arming switch and micro switch oin the throttle....easy,we fitted it in 2 hours with no previous experience, hardest part is the wirering, its so annotying putting it all in.

im in bristol at the mo,but will be back in w.sussex this weekend, probably friday eve till sunday, so ill show you then.
got another meet this sunday so ill need to rush.

well, the guys i got it from gave me a really good price, on the 172, it would probably be 800 quid from interpro, but 500 quid from the guys i know down south, this would inc a huge bottle of nos. And i would fit italong with a mate who, but i f i have a lok at your car i can make an estimate.
and yes the clutch woud take it, just dont engage nitrous until over 2500rpm. and how much are you looking to shoot into it, 50bhp?

Just thinking about it m8. Seeing as I was going for unichip would this all need to be setup together. Problem is I think you would of gone before Im going to get it.


wel, i can have a look at your car next week just to see where we would put everything.
and do you mean that you would get it this summer, since this is when im gone, but ill be here for a little while, itll save you money.

Would be cool if someone could fit it for me. But insurance is renewed in June and I dont really want to put nitro on without insurance knowing.


te beauty is that i would make a bracket which would bolt to an existing bolt somwhere, so you can take it off in 2 mins flat
the bracket would hold al solenoids, facet pump, and micro switch would be easilt taken off in one bolt. only thing left in car would be the pipes, but these are under the carpet, and bottle is in the boot, easy to take out. if you do crash, just take it off and throw it into teh bushes to collect later.

30 mins, low initial capital.....Nos kit for the lazy and only require a quik fix....500 quid would set you up easy...for 50+bhp....stonger end bolts and con rods, and 100bhp is easy.
1 month minimum and 8000 pounds, you could get a turbo......220bhp is what you can get easy, but with arp end bolts, accralite pistons, low comp headn gasget, H section con rods, turbo cam, new exhaust manifold, 5th injector, plumbing, and an ecu to run the thing.
If you can afford to pay other to do it,then turbo, if you cant be bothered or cant afford ot, N20.

One of my customers brought one of the posting on this bboard to my attention.
I am the Worlds leading authority on Nitrous oxide with over 20 years of experience and the ONLY person in the World to invent, design and manufacture an entire range of Nitrous related products, ALL of which are SUPERIOR in concept, design and quality.
There seems to be one person on this bboard who THINKS he knows better than I do about my products and nitrous in general, which is OBVIOUSLY impossible.
If he or anyone else wants to know the TRUTH about any aspect of Nitrous oxide all they have to do is log on to and read the tech pages and or read, and or post questions on our bboard.
Reading anything else or listening to anyone else is a WASTE of time because NOBODY knows what I know and there is more misinformation spread about Nitrous oxide than any other product I know of.

Brun nice to see someone understands how business works, its a shame Ben doesnt understand much of anything.
Ben if you think my Pulsoids are so cheap and simple why dont you design, develope and manufacture better ones at a lower price, if you can fit a kit in 30 mins as you claim in another posting you should be able to manage this little task by the weekend. Regarding the injector, if you are talking about our latest Crossfire injector, Id like to bet you cant find ANY proffessional engineering company who could actually make it never mind do that and sell them for under £50.
Thankfully I have some VERY loyal and sensible customers who keep me informed of such rubbish being posted on other sites, so I suggest you give more thought to what you post in future.


Trev The WIZARD of NOS

Ps. we supply some of our products Powamax, Minimax etc) to NX and a number of other US companies buy our whole range, so if their own products were better than ours why would they buy mine? especially as they can buy US made products cheaper over there!

By the way Ben, apart from the wild fitting time claim, your summary of Nitrous v Turbo is quite correct.
Trev The WIZARD of NOS
  Renault Laguna Coupe

I dont really want to get into this one, but I have to take exception to this statement:
Reading anything else or listening to anyone else is a WASTE of time because NOBODY knows what I know

Now maybe you had sunk a few beers when you wrote that, and if so you wont need me to tell you that the whole idea of boards like this is that we do listen to each other. So Mr NOSWizard you may have won a few more friends on here if you had been a little more positive. Putting your own views forward is fine. Denigrating the views of others reduces you to the status of a troll. So if its all the same to you Ill keep listening to the folk on here who have established some cred.
BTW - we are all enthusiasts here - didnt it occur to you that a courteous non-confrontational introduction might have won you some business?

i got blown away didnt I.

Trev, there is no need to be so arrogant. I totally agree you know more than me, you being in business as long as i have been on this planet. so im not going to argue, i do respect your autoratah! but i would more so if you said everything here nicely.

i didnt know you made the solenoids, i just thought that the threads were a bit soft....and that they didnt look so good with the anodising (not my thing, but probably there so you know what s for what) and the sticker.

i know i couldnt make a solenoid, and i think your fogegr design is simpe genious, simple and very effective design.
the 30 mins time was because we built the bracket and put everything on there then bolted that to the car, which left only the plumbing and wirering.

oh, and although i dont know everything (N20 injection being my first go, for 2 months from previousely not knowing anything, i think i did ok.
but i am sure there is somebody who knows more than you do.

your kits are great value, but being a student, i complain about everything, i dont think he lost any business, just defending his products which he worked hard on, i would do the same, but maybe not in the condisending way he did.

Oh, how do you know your solenoids are the best?....not a sarcy ques, just wanna know whats wrong with holley bits.

Oh, and Btw, im a business student, and run cost/price analysis systems in HK for renault, so i do know about costs.

cause i was so nice and not mad but agreed.....can i have some free stuff...."align=absmiddle>

God, if Wizards of NOS was my business, Id prepare for a downturn in demand!

No matter how factually correct the statements may be, or how enfuriating it must be to see people speak with authority about something you know more about, that is NOT the way to win business!

Id probably rather buy a mediocre product from a guy I was happy with than a superior one from one I wasnt!

May I "politely" suggest that you all read the string Nitrous information from the expert string in the general forum.
One final point I tell it as it is!
Im not out to win friends or customers and I dont care if telling like it is costs my future custom.
Its called INTEGRITY, a quality that has lost favour in this day and age!
Best wishes to ALL :)
Trev The WIZARD of NOS
