Hi Nick..
ok, here we go..
Quote: Originally posted by Nick Read on 13 October 2002
I will break my silence on this one just for you Simon . Interesting that you talk of the two slit problem, yes I do know all about it, as a scientist you must also know the principle of Occams Razor? If you dont then look it up. And perhaps consider the idea that an *objective* investigation of an effect would involve changing the theory to fit the results, not the other way round. Yes, but this presumes factual proof of concept, not disproval..
All I see is a lot of bluster, desperation to debunk an idea even though you have *zero* evidence that ram air *doesnt* work.
Not following your theory in relation to the above.. but kewl.
But I do accept the onus is on me to prove it works which I believe I have done convincingly. Going back to the principle I talked about above, here are two explanations for the effects seen:
AHA !!.. I love proof !
1. Cheapo inaccurate air/fuel ratio meter suddenly decided to go even more inaccurate at exactly the same time that the ram scoop feed got disconnected.
Nick dood, its either inaccurate or MORE innacurate.. or are you saying that the innacuracies are linear ??... and hence by nature, accurate ??. you talk in riddles of mis-understanding. or is there a part of INNACURATE that you are having a problem with ??
Then as soon as I reconnected the scoop feed pipe, the chepo inaccurate meter went back to its normal inaccuracies and showed the exact same AFR that it always had before the pipe came off.
See above (or See Me lmao... sorry, teacher joke !)
2. Competition spec Autometer (sales bullsh*t mode on !) AFR gauge showed a richer mix than usual which turned out to be because the ram scoop feed pipe had come off and the engine was only sucking the same cold air that had previously been rammed in under pressure. Reconnecting the pipe and testing at the same speed and throttle as before showed the AFR dead-on, exactly as it had always been before.
Of course !!!. the innacuracies are accurate if you know where to look, gadzooks !!!.. the manufacturers MISSED this one. !!.. they could make a fortune.. ABSOLUTE power from this incredibly accurate but non-accurate device.. or is accuracy in the mind of the beholder or mis-interpreter ???.
Of course, there are other equally ridiculous hypotheses as number 1 which seems to be the way of Slarty, eg. a gremlin got under the bonnet and adjusted my fuel pressure which made the reading richer, then they adjusted back again at the same time I hooked up my pipe; maybe the ECU just felt like lengthening the usual injector duration at full throttle just for fun? And then changed back again when I put the pipe back on? Come on, dont kid yourselves - its staring you in the face but for some reason which I cannot fathom (stubbornness?) you just cant accept it. The further you dig a hole, the harder it is to get back out.
See Me again LOL !!..
Even if the meter was as cheapo as has been suggested it really is quite a stretch of the imagination to suggest that the level of inaccuracy would suddenly change at the same time as the ram scoop disconnected, then change back again at exactly the same time as the scoop was connected again. I know my own car and meter readings. Ive been driving and modding it for long enough.
But you are placing your unfound trust in something that a marketting man sold to you ..... you are relying on your meter of all meters to provide the feedback u need.. but the feedback is not accurate, and yet you RELY on it to base your dubious opinions on... ???..
So, lets say Nick buys a blood pressure monitor.. it is accurate to a range of 90 - 130 systolic....
He puts it on his arm and reads 150... it MUST be 150.. cos it says so.. HELLO !! ?????... no, its innacurate..
your arguments appear to support the fact that the lambda lights are accurate or at least repeatable ??.. repeatability is accuracy .... you cant have it both ways dood ??.
They are not accurate or repeatable,
Thats my last word.
Frank Buck fer dat lol... !!!.. seriously Nick. dont base opinions on presumptions.. I know its difficult, but you need to step back and apply your apparantly scientific mind to the root causality and effect.