Hiya m8..
I think this was actually a productive thread in or near the end ! lol..
I really am sorry to some of the guys here if I come over a bit harsh at times - its crap without the body language lol !.. - and as said a few times.. the beers on me when we meet up .......... so, here goes..
Yes, changing to uprated parts as old ones wear out is sensible and prudent, and often bloody cost effective !!!
its a clear and unequivacal choice m8.!
the key to my way of thinking (so you see where I am coming from) is that old to new is always a bonus dood !!.. its always a spectacular increase.. just getting back to normal is a thrill lol !.
If you can get a 1 to 5% uprate that you think will help, great. (I aint referring to a 30% uprated single part here !, I am referring to overall enhancements of the total vehicle package - , if any!!..
a +5% on handling with a -7% on comfort, used, to its potential, say, 2% of the time means you are suffering a minus value for 98% of the time you enjoy the vehicle overall...
that may be perfectly acceptable.. no probs.
So Long as its known that these negatives exist!! - you dont oft get owt for nowt so to speak.....
I know a lot of you are FULLY aware of this aspect.. ie - the law of diminishing returns and the actual effect a change will have... but many dont !, and, although its fine to praise something thats good, if it has negative points then these should be pointed out just as clearly... it may simply be, that, - it will ! LOOK SUPERB, IT WILL! INCREASE @HANDLING@ (whatever that is lol.. !) but, it will be fairly uncomfortable, or, it will make no discernable difference unless you are on a controlled circuit (track) with accurate timing and temp gauges. the areas where, often, you cannot feel the difference but the timing equipment can record it.
Now, on another side... lol..
One cannot, and I certainly dont !.. underestimate the value to the person in pleasure, self satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, wanting to push the boundrys etc etc... that one can get from messing and modding (thats what I do.. no slur etc lol)
Pleasure or enjoyment can be fairly contagious.. meaning one persons enthusiasm for something is often biased towards the major plus points.. the person seaking info is then confronted with a very personal and often one sided view of what is available.. am I doing that ???.. yep, absolutely...
now, with diametriacally opposite opinions one can come to a conclusion that is usually as good as it gets within the limits of the resources (ie - OUR collective knowledge)
Aint that fair ???
Be Gads, I think we may have agreement...
And Nick.. lets leave it at that (or this? lol) and, I will buy the beer as said ?