Quote: Originally posted by edde on 20 August 2005
No you dont have to declare them as they are standard items fitted at the factory.
The Renault brand manager Jeremy Townsend has veriefed this a few times.
I got a Racing Blue 182 with Stripes, Cup suspension and Cup Packs, also some stickers on the door as i suspect it was a ex car show car.
Im with Admiral and i had too declare
Cup Suspension (as being 3mm lower than standard)
Cup Spoiler Pack (as having a front splitter & larger rear spoiler)
Cup Alloys (Had to declare the alloys being a different colour)
Stripes & Stickers (managed to get that under Decorative Changes)
So, has this affected the premium, Yes but i know that i can drive with having a accident and not worry about them trying to get out of a claim. I managed to get the insurance down too £700 Full Comp with the use of the pay it in one lump too get 15% off. It all depends on the insurance companies, i found Norwich Union did not care what was done too the car, but admiral were the opposite. If i have a smash, Admiral will only pay for the car too be put back too standard, so if it was a total loss, id get a 182 price for it, if it had a front end smash and was repaired, they would put a Cup alloy, Cup suspension on it as the other wheels were the same.
Catch my drift, its up too the insurance company...ask them if factory fitted options are modifications.........