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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 ph1 with ITB's
I know that, just I wasn't sure if the poster had checked and knew already hence why they posted pc world . . . .
  Monaco 172
I know that, but I'm sure I read somewhere that ios4 was going to be for the iPad too?

Or am I vastly mistaken?
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
Im now rollin 64gb 3g! HD MOVIES!

Also the Apple case I bought fromt he site has just turned up! Mint! Got to love apple products!

Anyone who has the iPad needs to get this case!


  911 GTS Cab
HD movies are fine with the 32 gb one, more than enough space!

Which case, the official one? If so it is very good
  Fiat Panda 100hp
Hate apple, their products are just too damn sexy. I currently want 27" imac, Macbook pro 15", iPad and the new iphone :'(
  Monaco 172
Macbook's on ebay now, cant wait for it to sell so I can get one of these bad boys.

Any new cool apps out at the moment for them?
Walked into a Currys and bought one today. Spur of the moment thing.
Then ordered my Sena sleeve for it.
No camera connection kits out there tho. Even apple are saying 4-6 weeks wait.

Gotta find some decent apps for it now.
Do people rate these then?

Its my 21st birthday in a couple of weeks so might be tempted to get one if I get enough money!

Will I be able to get university student discount off the apple store for it? I know I can with Macs, but dont know whether its just for computers/laptops!
  Clio 182
I got 14% off my iMac with my uni discount. You could probably get the apple care at a reduced price? I think I got something like 78% off that! Mad!
  Storm Grey 200
I finally got round to having a go on one yesterday, I was really looking forward to it, maybe buy one...

But I just didn't like it, found it hard to use at first, trying to use my thumbs like a big iPhone :eek:, but then using fingers wasn't so bad, it just didn't do it for me. Quite disappointed that It wasn't for me, because It would have looked good stashed with my other dull allllloominum products.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 ph1 with ITB's
Finally got my one today. Bought in Aberdeen even though a few days ago they didn't have when I phoned. Love it so far :)
Is there any difference between the UK and US iPad?

There's a couple on eBay that are US versions, is it worth getting one?

I guess warranty would be an issue here?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 ph1 with ITB's
I think the warranty is global ain't it? Also guessing you would need a step down or does the iPad power adapter step up or step down for it as the states run 110 iirc.

Does anyone who owns an iPad have a decent Im app as buddy and that looks like it was for iPhone and has a tiny keyboard :-(
