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Iphone 3g....some help please...


ClioSport Club Member
I know it may have been covered before, but cut me some slack please, i cant find any information that I want and I'm a bit dim with phones!

Thinking of getting it on contract, for £35 a month Tariff. I suppose I may as well pay the extra £50 for the 16gb one as well...

But anyways, on the o2 website it says:

'unlimited data and wifi'

Do I use wifi when on the internet? So free internet whenever?

'reduced roaming rates'

What's roaming rates?!

Basically, I want to be able to go on the net all day at work when I'm bored, and not get charged for it! So, will this cover my needs?!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Roaming is going abroad.

Wifi is simply connnecting to a wireless router same way as a laptop does, so is free anyway.

And unlimited date means unlimited data.


ClioSport Club Member
So going on the internet at work, which doesnt have wireless routers etc, won't charge me?

Or do I have to be in a WIFI hotspot?


ClioSport Club Member
I'm guessing I need an unlimited web bolt on for the unlimited web useage?
Does this include downloads etc?
  SLK 350
You're over complicating this.

Wifi is as above covered by your ISP charges. When not connected to Wifi (at work) you get net access via 3G/Edge as part if your monthly tariff-therefore included in your £35/45 payment.

Simple as, no bolt-on's required.

I should mention that you have to conform to an FUP (fair usage policy) which I gather is circa 3Gb or more on regular basis, though you'd never reach that unless you tethered it to a PC which requires Jailbreaking.
Unlimited Wifi means you get free access to BT OpenZone and The Cloud Wifi networks which are often in pubs, public areas, etc.
You also get unlimited 3G/Edge/GPRS data access, when a Wifi Hotspot isn't available.. so you can use it wherever.

Obviously you can connect to any other Wifi network you have access to and that's not going to be chargable on your mobile bill. (Home, work if you're allowed, etc)

Downloads, web browsing, e-mail, anything data wise is unlimited via either 3G, Edge, GPRS, Wifi (BT Openzone, The Cloud)

£35 means you pay £99 for the phone or £159 for the 16GB. £45 a month you get the 8GB free or £59 for the 16GB.


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks, was waiting for you Daz :D

So, If I get the £35 tariff, for an 8gb phone, add on an unlimited text bolt on, then provided I use under 600 minutes I will not get charged for anything other than the monthly charge and the £99 for the phone?

Hoff - No idea how much data I would use, but it would be just for browsing the net, not downloading much at all, just something to fill my boring days at work!

I'm excited, I need a new laptop and iphone!
Thanks, was waiting for you Daz :D

So, If I get the £35 tariff, for an 8gb phone, add on an unlimited text bolt on, then provided I use under 600 minutes I will not get charged for anything other than the monthly charge and the £99 for the phone?



jesus that sounds so much for a phone!

It's a bargain really.. really well priced IMO - could have been much worse!


ClioSport Club Member
Daz = Legend :D

Looks liek I'll take a trip to CPW tomorrow after work.
Only problem is waiting for my current contract to end so I can swap my number over, unles CPW fancy buying me out of the last month or 2, i'm sure i have heard of them doing that before!

Unsure whether to go for a 16gb one though....suppose the £50 is a small amount in reality.
Daz = Legend :D

Looks liek I'll take a trip to CPW tomorrow after work.
Only problem is waiting for my current contract to end so I can swap my number over, unles CPW fancy buying me out of the last month or 2, i'm sure i have heard of them doing that before!

Unsure whether to go for a 16gb one though....suppose the £50 is a small amount in reality.

It is, but depends if you're going to use it as an iPod or not?
If you're not going to use it for music, no point at all in 16GB.. 8GB is massive for everything else.
But, once you buy, you buy.. and that's it! :)

8GB is enough for me.. got a few albums on it, but I rotate my music. There isn't 8GB of music I want to listen to within the same week, sooooo.. 8GB is fine.


ClioSport Club Member
I see your point, I wouldn't have loads of music on it I guess, so maybe the 8gb would be enough......

Was thinking if I got bored of it though the 16gb would sell on easier?

If CPW will buy my contract out I guess I'll get the 16gb one, if not then I'll just get the 8gb one.

OT but since you are looking, my mat just bought this laptop, reckon it is OK? Quite fancy ordering one in a few weeks when I get paid:


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
i honestly think getting an iphone is a bad idea if you cant get your head around the whole free wifi and data thing lol


the phone doesnt come with an instruction manual lol!! so i forsee you coming back on here tomorrow asking how to use it lol


I have an 8gb and ive got a couple films on it, about 500 songs and i think it's still got another couple of gb memory left.

I know that when i bought my iphone back in the 1st week of August that neither O2 or CPW were allowed to do any deals on it, all the above mentioned tarrifs and extra costs for the 16gb were very strict and non negotiable, that may have changed by now though.

Also, on the £45 contract with the free 8gb phone you get 1200 minutes, not 600. You might wanna check that out if you only get 600 on the £35.

Good luck getting a deal at CPW tomorrow
I have an 8gb and ive got a couple films on it, about 500 songs and i think it's still got another couple of gb memory left.

I know that when i bought my iphone back in the 1st week of August that neither O2 or CPW were allowed to do any deals on it, all the above mentioned tarrifs and extra costs for the 16gb were very strict and non negotiable, that may have changed by now though.

Also, on the £45 contract with the free 8gb phone you get 1200 minutes, not 600. You might wanna check that out if you only get 600 on the £35.

Good luck getting a deal at CPW tomorrow

You won't be able to get a deal on an iPhone. The tarrifs are very much fixed.. and fixed in conjuction with Apple themselves probably.


ClioSport Club Member
Iphone = awesomeness!

Got one today, its amazing!

Just wondering, can I get a hotmail email account to work on it? Won't work for some reason....?


Let me know if you work out how to use this Izymail, i've tried it but can't get it to work.

I registered my hotmail account with Izymail about 6 weeks ago when i first got my iphone but i only got around to trying to set it up last week so it may be because my 1 month free trial has run out


ClioSport Club Member
bucko, didn't work unless I did something wrong!!
I'm gonna try and find another way though.


I'm not really that bothered anyway, i read my emails at work or on my laptop when i can be bothered. If i really needed to check them i'd just go through my Safari bookmark.

I never have 3G on anyway unless i need it cus it drains the battery proper fast having it on all the time, same as wi-fi.


ClioSport Club Member
How do I turn the 3G off? Does it need to be on to access the internet?

My battery doesnt last very long at all, about 11 hours max!
It'll get much better.
I have WiFi on, 3G on, Bluetooth on, and I get around 30 odd hours now. (and it's constantly flicking between 3G and Wifi)
Obviously if I use it loads, I get about a day.. but that's enough really. (Day as in, wake up, and then put on charge when I go bed so 14 hours +)

Should be better again after tomorrow once the 2.1 firmware is out. Big update!

Let the phone drain all the way down, so it turns off, and then charge it fully.. after a few full power cycles, mine made a big difference.


Yeah i always drain things right down and then fully charge them, especially things like phones that i'm gonna use for 18 months.

The internet does work without the 3G on but obviously a lot slower, that's what 3G is all about. To turn it off you go to Settings then General and then Network. It would get annoying if i had to keep turning it on and off but i only use the internet maybe once a day.

I get at least 3 days out of mine (that's 72 hours, day and night) and i use it as an ipod, texting and phone quite a bit. My old Nokia N82 used to last for at least 5 days.

I'm not a hardcore user though


Now i'm gonna sound like a noob but what does location services actually do?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
It's the GPS chip in the phone and apparently it doesn't always turn itself off after you have used Maps etc. Turning it off in the menus is recommended.
  Black Gold 182 FF
I use hotmail on my iphone- not via the mail bit but just using the web browser and putting a link on the home screen to this gets you messanger and hotmail.


ClioSport Club Member
just set up a new account with google just for that feature. the net is a bit tempremental at work so i'll just use that during the day for emailing mates etc!
