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iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (READ THE FIRST POST!!!)

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Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Thing is iPhone 4 isn't limited to o2 like it has been in previous years so they need to be careful because if they piss people off then they will leave and go to orange, Vodaphone or someone else. Hopefully now that other networks have it you may be able to haggle a bit more and threaten to leave.

All this depends on what tariffs other networks have as Orange and Voda haven't realised there's yet.

Even Three are going to have it on launch day!
  Mondeo STTDCI
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

O2 will have people leaking them info from other networks, and vice versa.

Expect all the tarrifs to appear decidedly similar across networks.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

so basically if I'm on a £20 simplicity tarriff at the moment I may as well look at it as if I am a 'new' customer. Are they going to be changing the simplicity tarriff across the board? As currently I get over 1200 mins and a similar number of texts, plus unlimited data for £20, is that going to change?
  BMW Z4
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

due to a spot of misfortune last weekend im not in a bad situation, had my 3g stolen saturday but luckily had insurance with my bank, and as far as i know they will be sending me the money to buy a new phone(have to provide them with a reciept tho). my contract is also up at the moment so i am due an the plan is either buy one with my insurance money and have no contract, or upgrade and then sell the one i will be buying on payg and make some cash :rasp:
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

so basically if I'm on a £20 simplicity tarriff at the moment I may as well look at it as if I am a 'new' customer. Are they going to be changing the simplicity tarriff across the board? As currently I get over 1200 mins and a similar number of texts, plus unlimited data for £20, is that going to change?

Exactly what I'm wondering, I'll give them a bell tonight. I was under the understanding that theyvhave to give 30days notice
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Looing at my phone I've only sent 524mb and received 3.6gb total and that's from new over 12 months ago, god knows how anyone would use more then 500mb a month on a phone, unless they're tethering it to a laptop.

It's not like you ever download massive things over the network as you can't download anything over 10mb from the appstore unless you're using wifi.

Not that it bothers me, I'm due my annual upgrade as a business customer, so mine will remain as it is for another 12 months.


I've used just under a gb in a year! Lol. Who gives a f**k about a 500MB a month limit.

I have a unlimited text, unlimited data deal. They can't take that off me.
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I use my iPhone for a lot of PDF viewing which is why I download so much. It's one of those things, looking more and more like I'll just buy a handset.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Thing is iPhone 4 isn't limited to o2 like it has been in previous years so they need to be careful because if they piss people off then they will leave and go to orange, Vodaphone or someone else. Hopefully now that other networks have it you may be able to haggle a bit more and threaten to leave.

All this depends on what tariffs other networks have as Orange and Voda haven't realised there's yet.

Yeah, but you're only going to get that special rate to pay off your contract if you stay with o2. They have so many iPhone customers already, it doesn't matter if a few leave.

All the contracts will be as equally s**t anyway! Lol.
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

There will be zero haggling, at least for the first few months. O2, even if they're not, are still seen as THE iPhone network so they'll be selling contracts by the bucketload.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Here's a question for you all.

What are you gonna do about protection? I had a case ready for my iphone to go straight into the second it came out of the box for my 3GS.

With this, the design is different so old cases won't fit meaning on release day the only option is likely to be that s**t one they've brought out the bumper or an invisible shield which I don't personally like at all as i feel like its wrapping up the phone in sellotape.

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

any one happen to know if we will get a case of some kind with the phone??

edit: LOL just seen the above post!
  Tesla MP3 2021
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

so basically if I'm on a £20 simplicity tarriff at the moment I may as well look at it as if I am a 'new' customer. Are they going to be changing the simplicity tarriff across the board? As currently I get over 1200 mins and a similar number of texts, plus unlimited data for £20, is that going to change?

Exactly what I'm wondering, I'll give them a bell tonight. I was under the understanding that theyvhave to give 30days notice

Well I have spoken to O2 about this and they have stated that it shouldnt change. What we are currently on now is how it will stay.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Cases suck balls. Just look after it.

There is no way anyone who has no case on their iphone could keep it in tip top condition for 12 months.

I consider myself a careful owner, I've got a case on it, never dropped it once, always make a point of not putting it in the same pocket as keys etc, and mines still got a few marks on it.

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

i refuse to have a decent phone unless its got a decent case! i have OCD when it comes to looking after gadgets so this phone will be deemed useless until i can get a case..
  Tesla MP3 2021
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Apple have made their own case like they did for the iPad
  Mondeo STTDCI
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I have an almost 18 month old iPhone and its marked. The screen is perfect but the back has dints and dents etc.

I accept it as its a phone. I never used to...but I knew I'd be keeping it 18 months then getting an upgrade. Ergo...I do not care.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Question for the phone maestros,

Im currently on Orange and I'm on a Blackberry tarriff, would it be possible for me to change my tarriff to an iPhone one? I'm planning on buying the phone outright, then selling my Blackberry 9700.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I think so. Give them a call. I know they do Blackberry data slightly differently but I can't see it being a problem.
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I won't bother with a case unless I'm away skiing. My 3G screen is spotless and both the front and back of the 4 is better glass than the 3G so the only scratching I'll suffer is on the metal middle... not worth making it look ghey to protect!
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Cheers mate, Ill give them a ding in the morning to verify.

Yeah, I'll probably have to pay more a month as iPhone tarriffs are slightly higher arent they ? Not thats a problem, really cant wait for it to be released!
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I won't bother with a case unless I'm away skiing. My 3G screen is spotless and both the front and back of the 4 is better glass than the 3G so the only scratching I'll suffer is on the metal middle... not worth making it look ghey to protect!

I thought this too that if the back and front are glass and therefore durable, it might be ok to get one of those bumpers as they just protect the metal band.

The thing for me is, yes your screen hasn't been scratched but how often do you put your phone down screen first without a case? you would always put your phone down with the back against a material which means if its gonna scratch it is more likely to.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Mine was pretty much mint and I had that from day1 with a case. It had a small scratch on the screen, but I don't like the cases as mine lives in a dock, so they annoy me.

Just called o2 to take off my web bolt on thing as I don't need it and they want to charge me £10 a month. Graham Norton that I spoke to told me that I would easily exceed my unlimited (500MB) allowance as two youtube videos would put me over. Kept trying to push it. Then I told him that if I've only used 900odd MB in a year, I think I can cope with 500MB a month.

No wonder some of you are panicking if that's the info you're being given! Lol.

He also said that there will be a web form for you to swap your numbers/accounts from a normal sim to a micro sim so you don't have to call up and that will take about 24hours.
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I'm not careful with my phone at all really - lives in my pocket with keys, money, etc and gets chucked on my work desk. The screens aren't scratch-proof but they're pretty damn good.

Why would anyone want to buy such a sexy piece of kit and dress it in tacky rubber / plastic?
  Clio 172 Mk2
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

I'm not careful with my phone at all really - lives in my pocket with keys, money, etc and gets chucked on my work desk. The screens aren't scratch-proof but they're pretty damn good.

Why would anyone want to buy such a sexy piece of kit and dress it in tacky rubber / plastic?

I agree!! I do like a good film protector for the screen though :) can't even see mine on my 3GS
  Go cry to your momma!
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

No :p

Wish they'd release pricing details!!!
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

You're pages and pages late with tariff prices.

He means phone prices.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

He also said that there will be a web form for you to swap your numbers/accounts from a normal sim to a micro sim so you don't have to call up and that will take about 24hours.

I like the sound of that.
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Jesus this thread is busy. Not bothering to read all of it, but I dont like the sound of the data limiting, is there any tarrifs that wont be doing it? Is a 500mb limit very low or?
  BMW F31
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

anybody else running iOS4?

i have a weird purple arrow top right of the screen next to the battery? any clues?
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Jesus this thread is busy. Not bothering to read all of it, but I dont like the sound of the data limiting, is there any tarrifs that wont be doing it? Is a 500mb limit very low or?

All tariffs have a data limit.

Click me for the tariffs.
  Mk4 .:R32
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

anyone know if the iphone 4 will be available on PAYG with Vodafone?
Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads)

Nobody knows for certain. But it seems very likely.

Jesus this thread is busy. Not bothering to read all of it, but I dont like the sound of the data limiting, is there any tarrifs that wont be doing it? Is a 500mb limit very low or?

500MB is big. I very much doubt you'll hit that.

Settings > General > Useage and you'll see what you've used since you had the phone..
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