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Ipod installation.

Hi guys, I have a 30gb video, and i want to have a holder/charger for it in the golf. The golfs stereo should have an Aux line somewhere, possibly the glove box, but i would like to be able to charge the ipod and hold it somewhere other than the glovebox. Any reccomendations, Not too pricey, i've declined the factory fit option as it was more than the ipod itself, robbing b******s. Also if i just want to connect the ipod to stereo, what lead to i need, male-male male - female etc

Thanks dudes
  106 GTi
To charge and control the ipod you will need to look at something like the Dension Kit

But just to play it through the Aux import on the h/unit would be cheaper if you can get a relevant cable, and would need a separate charger to the cig lighter to charge it though.
I think i'll go for the cable charger option, then just set it going and leave it in the glovebox or summat, its covered in an iskin anyway dont look anything special
