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Joe's FF BG 182

  Skoda Fabia VRS
Utterly love going from the Saxo into the Clio, they're honestly worlds apart in their current situations. The Clio has much more grunt, better brakes, handles much better and is 100x comfier and nicer inside (not hard to beat, the VTS is bare stripped lol). Planning on giving her a nice detail over the next week or so, then heading out for some nice driving roads and to get some decent pictures.


Looking unloved!
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Just gave the Clio a little clean as it was well needed!

KKD Blizzard snow foam
Meg's Gold class shampoo
Demon Wheels wheel cleaner (weaker than diluted water)

I've also bought a little flocked piece to install tomorrow, as it's f**king dark at 4pm!



  Skoda Fabia VRS



Flocked surround fitted! Very happy bar the grubby interior lol. Will be sourcing a new gaitor at some point, and also the gearstick cap on top (don't know the 'technical' term for it).
  Skoda Fabia VRS
So guess who's Dephaser is due shortly? This guy.
Guess who's going to get 197 cams fitted at the same time to make up for the huge bill? This guy.

I figure if I'm going to be paying £600-£700 for belts/tensioners/dephaser/water pump, why not get some 197 cams to make it worth while.

The Mrs will 100% not like this lol.
  Megane 250
So guess who's Dephaser is due shortly? This guy.
Guess who's going to get 197 cams fitted at the same time to make up for the huge bill? This guy.

I figure if I'm going to be paying £600-£700 for belts/tensioners/dephaser/water pump, why not get some 197 cams to make it worth while.

The Mrs will 100% not like this lol.

The Mrs won't even know! Just tell her it sounds different because the belts been done and is faster because it's timed properly lol
  Skoda Fabia VRS
So MOT time is in the next few weeks, and the car has also been sprouting a few problems.
Driveshaft gaiter, a certain whine has occured, and the car is absolutely stinking due to our lovely Weather/roads.

  Skoda Fabia VRS
Today was a f**king terrible day.
Started off with being ripped off by the DVLA, found out I've been overpaying for my phone contract for two months, and the car developed a misfire and tried to kill itself. I've just got back after breaking down at 10:45 this morning, breakdown didn't turn up until about 3pm. It seems like one of the spark plugs have come lose, as it's definitely running on 3 cylinders. Plenty of things to check over tomorrow, I can't tonight as darkness is upon us and the battery is flatter than an asians tits. I'm hoping it's something simple, as money isn't great at all atm and the MOT is up next week, along with the Mrs Birthday and a bank loan, the future isn't looking too good for the 182.
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Just got off the phone to my local specialist, I'll find a way of getting her down there tomorrow as he'll be 10x the person I'll be checking her over. This could be a cheap fix, or have me properly bent over.
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Good news!
Mr sparky had popped out of cylinder 2 and was just loose along with the coil lead. She doesn't seem to bite when attempting to screw back in, so I'm guessing the thread has been torn away and will need helicoiling/timeserting. But the good news is all plugs are intact, no damages that I can see. The coil lead has been damaged slightly (whether it's from this or not) so that'll need replacing, but a big sigh of relief has been made.
  Skoda Fabia VRS
She's almost back and running, had some money struggles but the SimpleJoee funds are back up and running. New set of Plugs courtesy of @George@RTR_Parts (cheers again!), HT leads from Russel Fitch (unsure if he's on here?), and Oil and filter will be done next weekend as Wales has been given sun this weekend, so I'll be making the most of it! The cars hopefully having the Helicoiling done tomorrow, I got bailed on last weekend, but it threw it down anyway. Then she'll be booked in for a years ticket on Monday/Tuesday!

In the meantime, I've been using the Saxo as a daily for a few weeks, and it is just appalling. I need my climate control, cruise control and 5k kick back!
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Ha yes that's me :smiley:

Leads are on their way to you mate :smile:
Lovely, cheers mate!

After being messed around once again for the Helicoiling to be done, I made a few calls and got in touch with someone else (Cliffs extractions if anyone's from my area, he seems to be used a fair bit). Providing the weather is okay, he'll come Wednesday morning which means I can get her booked in for an MOT Thursday on my day off. I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've last driven her, I'm even a little excited lol.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Can you helicoil with the head in place? Surely that will drop a load of swaft down into the cylinder
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Can you helicoil with the head in place? Surely that will drop a load of swaft down into the cylinder
You can, yes. Oiling up the insert, and using air to blow out the remaining swarfs, obviously not without it's risks. But as others have said, it's not a major risk. I'd buy another head rather than whip it all off to be done personally.
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Helicoiling done, new plugs in, HT leads swapped over, and she's booked in for MOT tomorrow morning! Hopefully she doesn't come back with a list the size of my arm.
  Renault Master
A good read, enjoying your thread. Car has been loved and should be fine for it's m.o.t! Take it the cars running now? Colour is ace!
  Skoda Fabia VRS
A good read, enjoying your thread. Car has been loved and should be fine for it's m.o.t! Take it the cars running now? Colour is ace!
Appreciate that mate, thank you.
I can only hope! I'll have my o/s front tyre, n/s cv gaiter and rear pads as an advisory, but they're all minimal things.

Running lovely, back to her usual self!
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Bad news, but somewhat good news.


Nothing drastic by all means, but one of my Solid top mounts somehow has gained some play in it, which has baffled me.
The exhaust is sorted, it had a blow which is fixed and it failed due to a decat (wink, it's fine now)... The washer was just empty lol, track rod end will be replaced tomorrow as with the tyre, if the top mounts knackered it'll be replaced with oem mounts to pass, and that leaves me with the gaiter. As far as I was told, they aren't replaceable, it's a new driveshaft job? Which will put me back another week, as I've been assured by many to buy oem, not aftermarket driveshafts.

So as said, not good news as it failed, but by all means it's not terrible!


ClioSport Club Member
Hey man. That happened with mine with my pure top mounts. One developed play, the offside.

I ended up messaging Nick at pure and got the uprated bearings instead and they've been much better over 6 months or maybe even longer. Hope you're well dude
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Hey man. That happened with mine with my pure top mounts. One developed play, the offside.

I ended up messaging Nick at pure and got the uprated bearings instead and they've been much better over 6 months or maybe even longer. Hope you're well dude
I'll have to give Nick a shout, thanks for the heads up Dan! For the foreseeable future I'll run oem mounts in the meantime, will be a little comfier too on our roads!

I'm doing better now I've had some news! Cv boot replaced, track rod end replaced, all that's left is to inspect the strut tomorrow to narrow down the problem. I hope it can be retested, I'm dying to have her back this weekend :(
  Skoda Fabia VRS
So if anyone had noticed, I've put this 'up for sale' in the CS section. I haven't advertised it anywhere else, as I'm just keen to see what sort of feedback I get from people who either know about this car, or know about 1*2's in general. I'm not ready to put it up on Gumtree/Facebook, for some f**k wit to offer me £1500 cash tonight, or ask to swap for his Focus and cash my way.

I've got today off work, so I decided to get out and give the car a good overhaul in, and out. I'll let the pictures do the talking (and the exhaust mount ruin the rear shots).













KKD Blizzard Snow foam
Bilberry wheel cleaner
Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo
Meguiars quick detailer used with a G3 Clay Mitt
Poor Boys black hole glaze
Colinite 476 Wax
Basic Glass cleaner
Brasso metal polish
Sonax Brilliant shine detailer
Plastics treated with KKD tyresol
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Any reason for the sale Joe? Fancy a change?

I've got to drop you a PM reference Mini's actually, I'll fire it over later once I'm on the computer
Yes mate, I'm just feeling as though I want to dive into something different.
No problem buddy.
Shouldnt have an issue selling that mate.
Thanks mate.
The issue still stands that I'm uncertain though, there's part of me that knows full well I'll miss this car.
  Skoda Fabia VRS
It's stinking.

Picked up the Mrs from work, decided to go down the country lanes didn't I. The worst part? I was playing fuel light roulette, so I didn't even enjoy the lanes!
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Well, tomorrows the day the new owner comes to pick her up. She's been fully treated today with the following;

EZ Snow foam
EZ Citrus pre wash
EZ Iron-x
Billberry wheel cleaner
Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo (can't believe it's still going!)
EZ Gloss boss QD to aid drying
Poor Boys Black hole
Colinite 476
EZ Sealant
EZ tyre gel and bumper trim
EZ glass cleaner
EZ interior cleaner


I will genuinely miss this car.
Great to meet you Joe. Nice and honest with the communications before hand and well worth the 5 hour round trip. I assure you I'll look after her for you, lovely car and kept really well. I feel bad that i had to take it from you. :grinning::car:
  Skoda Fabia VRS
Shame u sold up dude.u will regret it I thinks.
You're only the 1,000,00 person to say that haha, I know I will mate but needs must, and also I fancy a bit of a change!
Great to meet you Joe. Nice and honest with the communications before hand and well worth the 5 hour round trip. I assure you I'll look after her for you, lovely car and kept really well. I feel bad that i had to take it from you. :grinning::car:
I'm glad you're pleased mate! V5 was sent off yesterday and I'm mocking up a quote with Hermes for the Gearstick surround as we speak :)
She's gone to a good home, all that I wanted.
