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Just made my own Sub Box... interesting!!

  Clio 197
I purchased a Vibe CBR12 from someone... and quite frankly, it was far far too big...

So a cannabalised it for parts, and made my own custom box.

It now sits neatly up the side of the boot.

Sound-wise: A small adjustment of the crossover and gain... and hey presto: a sub in half the space!

Screws & MDF: £10.

Pic to follow.
  Clio 197
No, Lower cubic volume... And Non-ported (originally it was ported).

I'm actually getting a smoother bass, as opposed to a horrible loud resonating bass.

The gain is at approx 50%.

While the extreme low frequencies are not as pronounced, it's far more practical to have as a sub...
  Clio 197


  One with a few more
Surely the response id far poorer if you've reduced the cubic volume so much? Theres a reason why there is a cubic volume requirement
And I hope that rope thing isnt all thats securing it
  One with a few more
omar said:
The gain is at approx 50%.

While the extreme low frequencies are not as pronounced, it's far more practical to have as a sub...

you dont just pick and chose with the gain. Its not like avolume control.
The gain is there to reduce or increase the amplification factor by the corect amount with regard to the input voltage. It should always be scoped, or set at the corrcet level where the sub does not clip


  big fat japanese bus
to set gain turn it right down the turn up your h/u till you get dist

knock it back a couple of notches then slowly turn up the gain till you get distortion then again knock it back a couple of notches

THis is the easiest way to do it without an ociliscope not 100% but pretty good
  Clio 197
Well, let's not forget that the boot has the same cubic volume as before.

So, yes I've had to adjust the crossover and gain a bit, but the sound ultimately comes from the boot - so the end result is the same?

(although the really really low frequencies aren't as pronounced as it is - sounds much better with sub-face down).

I've got velcro, and luggage straps to hold it down for now... I've not decided where I want it to be really.
  A silver Honda
Would look better sprayed imo, but nice job!

I'd like something similar with a 10" though.
omar said:
Well, let's not forget that the boot has the same cubic volume as before.

Well yes and no...

Yes, as in the boot itself hasn't changed but no, as in you've reduced the box size so there's now more cubic space in the boot... ;)

Anyway, boot size is neither here nor there! Size of the box is what matters as the volume of air behind the sub in the box is what the sub "bounces" off, not the air in the boot. It's just playing into the boot!
having a smaller box will produce a tighter bass, but will not produce as deep bass. One of the best home cinema/music subwoofers for under £500 is externally 1ft cubed
  Clio 197

Oh yes I agree... it's not as deep as before, remember it's also now non-ported.

TBH, it's FAR FAR better than 6x9's in a stealth shelf... and yet I can still use most of my boot... take it out... put it in... stick it on a rear seat if I need to.

By adjusting the crossover, I've compensated for the reduction in cu-inch, but yes it's not as deep as before.
sealed subs with 'clever' internals are the best subs in the world, as i said, under 500quid the best homecinema sub is tiny at only 1ft cubed, but one that sticks on my mind measures just 39.2x42x43cm but ways 30kg, and costs around a grand
