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Little Engine Bay Clean Up

Nice day, so removed engine cover and cleaned up the inlets and surrounds.

Engine cover is also primed ready for a nice colour tomorrow ;)

First test:


Full job:


Engine cover during cleaning session (you might see the colour behind it :D)

I was going to go for Renault's racing/liquid yellow but Halfords had f**k all close stocked in so I decided to go for Ford Electric/Monza blue which seemed very close to RB :) Just a gloss black on the back of the cover.


ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
Forget about the Red one but your car needs the black on it



Oh and IMO another good cheap mod to clean the bay up is a new coolant bottle.


Yeah, I think black would look nice obviously, but wanted something a little different and it looked good (to me) in photoshop :D Cheers


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I love standard cars with bat s**t engine bay's.

You just need some brightly coloured stuff in there now.
  Arctic Blue RS 182
Where did you get the plastic rocker cover sprayed? Or from? I'm on about the red or black one.
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ClioSport Trader
Nice job on the inlets , as said new coolant bottle would freshen it up and spray the engine hoist/lifting bracket as its letting side down
  RB FF 182
I like it mate! However, as said above, how the hell did you get your inlets to look like that!

Guide needed IMO. *HINT* ;)
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
I like it mate! However, as said above, how the hell did you get your inlets to look like that!

Guide needed IMO. *HINT* ;)

this thread got woken up from an 8month sleep! lol. Anyway, if you only want to get them clean, an type of degreaser will help remove the dirt, and a wire brush will help make them shine a bit without polishing. However if you want them to looked polished / really good, you need to do a full polishing working from 80 grit paper all the way up to 2000 grit paper, and finally some metal polish. It a lot of work, but the results are worth it. I have included a picture from the thread I posted the other day about my engine bay clean-up for reference of the result you can see if you put a bit more effort into it:
  RB FF 182
Looks epic mate. Really tidy! Someone sprayed my inlets with black heat resistant paint. So looks better than standard metal...

When I get a bit of spare time I'll probably give this a go!
