Last month I had a misfire, live data and code thrown seemed to support the front o2 sensor at fault. That was changed for a new Bosch item, plugs look good, but cleaned and gapped anyway, new leads, new coil pack, injectors all read just over 14 Ohms. It's still there, stray over 6k rpm and it's like someone threw an anchor out. Today I've swapped the fuel pump relay and checked the wiring, cleaned the maf and fitted new O rings to it.
I've taken a few screenshots, one of a normal cruise, and two of the misfire happening, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction as it's getting very frustrating now 😧 I thought it was cured but at the last track day I managed one lap and had to give up 😢
Any input appreciated :beers:
I've taken a few screenshots, one of a normal cruise, and two of the misfire happening, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction as it's getting very frustrating now 😧 I thought it was cured but at the last track day I managed one lap and had to give up 😢
Any input appreciated :beers: