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LY 182 with recaros


ClioSport Club Member
Thought i would show you my LY182 with recaros the only one from the factory to have them and both cup packs.

car has some bits missing Splitter etc
some bits need to be done only had it a couple of weeks


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  Ly Megane 230 F1
noo...everytime i look at my car it makes me happy, yellow is a general happy colour so what better than to drive a bright yellow car haha. is it me or do the exhaust stick out quite a bit?


North West
ClioSport Area Rep
That looks sweet dude I'd love that ly is the best colour by far for 182s


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS

Splitter, silvervisions and a FF rear bench and it'll be perfect.
  Inferno 182 & Saxo
Nice colour, find it pretty comedy/shady how they go and stick poverty spec rear bench and door cards in when you've paid extra for the recaros though!
  Audi A5
Lovely car bud, be careful where you park it and keep an eye on it a lot of LY Clios are getting targeted atm ;)
