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March 2016 Photography Competition! - Depth of Field

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ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
So this really needs to make a return!

We aren't too far into the month, especially for an easy subject such as this. Hopefully this will attract a fair few people and get it rolling again and I an excuse to pick up my camera more.

Rules as follows;

Entries close on the 31st March and voting to commence in the following week (first week of January, with next theme starting on the 7th).

- Post a maximum of 3 images at one time, you can come back with more pics if you have tried something different, but please stick to 3 pics max each time.

- You MUST flag one image as your entry if you post more than one image, feel free to repost your chosen image towards the end of the comp with 'entry' above it, this will be placed into a new thread at the end of the allotted time for people to vote on. Only images with entry clearly written above or below it will be accepted.

- Try to keep posted images to a max of around 800px wide.

- No rules on photoshop use etc, but this is first and foremost a photography contest, not a photoshop contest.

- All images entered must be taken within this calendar month!

- If you haven't followed the above rules don't come moaning when your picture isn't in the voting thread.

The Winner will get to pick the next theme!



ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
This used to work well so hopefully we have it running full time again, especially now I have the buttons to do the Poll!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Nice one Ant. Did spot this earlier but didn't get chance to reply.
I'll try and get something in for this. Hopefully they will be as popular as they used to be.
  2004 Clio 182
Appreciate the tag in this! Here's a couple from earlier this month - first proper 'photoshoot' I did with a friend, followed by being let loose on one of BA Cityflyer's Embraers for a promotional shoot...
ENTRY (for now...) - Nikkor 50mm @ f/1,8

Nikkor 35mm @ f/2,0
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ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I took a couple yesterday I will get up if they're any good. Also have a few ideas
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