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Marring in plastic soft top screen

Hi folks, frustratingly I made an error of judgement and wiped some condensation off the TVR's rear screen with a less than ideal cloth. It's left a load of marring which is really offputting when driving at night with car headlamps highlighting my error.

What would be the best option here? If it was paint work I'd machine it. I'm tempted to look at either a filler/glaze (lasts 2-3 months) or possibly a semi permanent top coat that has filling capabilities like Infinity Wax Synergy 2 Lite ("The solution may drastically fill wash marring and swirls, leaving your vehicle looking great without polishing.").

Any thoughts?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep

AMMO vid did some polishing of headlamps and then wiped some thick UV protector over it - have a look (assuming timestamp link works).

Wonder if something like Dlux (?!) will do the job ?
Try Meguiars PlastX.

"Great for use on headlights, plastic convertible windows, Plexiglass, brake lights, and other uncoated clear plastic surfaces"
I seem to recall it's highly abrasive and great for misted up screens or faded headlights. I need a finer grade polish to avoid further damage.


ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
What was the use case mate? Already clouded up and used to restore clarity?

I'm really trying to avoid inflicting any more damage, hence wanted to go down the fill or seal route.

Yes, exactly that. I was yellowed and cloudy and came back to about 90% perfect.
