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Mist washer jets

  02 Clio 172
I want to change my oe ones for mist type jets. I bought a cheap pair of pug ones off eBay to see if they work. They do, but they spray too low. Just below the wipers in fact. Anybody done this? Or have any suggestions to get them aimed right? Cheers.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
I have Alfa Romeo ones on mine, bought them off ebay for £6 they are spot on.

Will dig the link out for you.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
These are the ones I bought.

They are listed as citroen etc but when they turned up they were in a genuine Alfa romeo packet with part numbers on so im not sure if they were sent by mistake or thats what he posts out. They mist fine though and hit the windscreen perfectly.

Intresting thats a cit pug part number although when I rang up and spoke to local cit parts r****d he said there was no such thing !! Was part number on you packet the same 6438v8 ?

Anyone fitted a mist type washer to the rear and if so which one and any good ????
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Intresting thats a cit pug part number although when I rang up and spoke to local cit parts r****d he said there was no such thing !! Was part number on you packet the same 6438v8 ?

Ah couldn't even guess at what the part number was. I will see if its on the invoice when I get home. But im guessing the invoice will list the apparent Citroen part number.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
I had the same issue, then bought the ones posted by Lal B3N. Apparently those work well (I got alfa packaging too), just waiting for my car to be fixed to try them out.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
These are the ones I bought.

They are listed as citroen etc but when they turned up they were in a genuine Alfa romeo packet with part numbers on so im not sure if they were sent by mistake or thats what he posts out. They mist fine though and hit the windscreen perfectly.

Ive just brought these also, i was surprised when they turned up in a alfa, lancia packet aswell lol
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Heres the packet lads

  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Ha well it seems its not just me receiving alfa/fiat/lancia ones.

They work well though so im pleased with them.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Ha well it seems its not just me receiving alfa/fiat/lancia ones.

They work well though so im pleased with them.

Haha im glad to hear there good bud i also have a pair of the other mist jets that the other lad posted up, ive never tried them so ill just give them away to a mate...I wonder what mist jets we have then lol
  Breaking 172 NV676
I have pug ones amd the aim two low mafe a little wedge shaped piece of rubber to reangle them. Not the best fix but better than the standard jets
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
I just pushed from underneath the bonnet, eventually they come out. Can be a bit stiff at first with them being in for so long.

Cheers bud, Ill do it one day ive got a few parts to fit on the old girl ive just gotta motivate myself lol
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Yeah they seem like good ones, ive just done some internet research and it looks like citroen, Fiat & Alfa Romeo all use the same particular part and share the same number


ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
I ordered genuine Citroen ones from eBay for about £6 and received the Alfa/Lancia ones.

They are identical fit to the clio ones and I didn't need any adjustment :)

very pleased with them!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Also received the same Lanica/Alfa ones. Huge improvement over the original ones.

Saying that I know my washer pump was on its way out as the original jets were hopeless so I fitted a new pump at the same time (10 min job for the whole lot) (1.2) - luckily I got mates rates so only cost a couple of quid.

I need to get a new pump too, but need to look and see which one I need first
  172 cup
just fitted my washer jets :) did anyone leave the rubbery thing on (the circular bit) doesn't sit as flush with it on but thought it might be to stop it leaking??
  172 cup
Lol, guess its me being fussy then. If you look at them you can see the rubbery bit sandwiched between bonnet and washer :) doesn't sit as flush.
  Silver Phase 2 172
Just fitted mine seem to work spot on! Passanger side is a little lower tho :-/ which seems strange anyone else noticed this?
  172 cup
No mine sprays fine, Did you leave the washer off on the passenger side?? that's the only reason I can think for it being lower.

How much lower is it compared to drivers side??
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  1.2 16V Dynamique
After a quick look on here, I've decided mine need replacing - Just ordered from that link :cool: cheers guys
