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MK4 Astra GSI Chavvy boost bus

  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Interior doesn't bother me at all. No worse than my Clio and the Recaros are lovely to sit in.

But I can see why some people would say it's dated. It is 10 yr old though!
  late 2003 172cup

Had a couple and I like, any Astra after that is just bloody ugly!
Green coupe belongs to turbo Tom in Boston. 480bhp, best big power astra I have been in. Eds mapped. Goes like stink, and I mean stink!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I do like these actually, I like the fact you hardly see them anymore - they look good in black!

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
That Arden blue above looks nice. A bloke near me has a silver one running approx 350bhp.
  late 2003 172cup
I went vaux to renault, then back to vaux. And back to renault because the car was made into a mental thing. Every car has something over another one. Astra smooth fast comfort, renault is a riot! Lol. Not as smooth and comfortable.


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Astra sounds decent mate, interesting what you say about the handling

ive just saw that evo in Whitehaven, over here with my lass for the night
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Astra sounds decent mate, interesting what you say about the handling

ive just saw that evo in Whitehaven, over here with my lass for the night

Was it going slow? It's usually on full boost haha!

Yeah I really thought i would miss the Clio and it's handling but the only thing I really miss is its heavy steering feel.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I've always really liked them, I just hate the dash, like loathe entirely. They drive nice, decent to work on, seriously tunable for peanuts in comparison to most other motors then I go to look at one and sit in it :(

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I've always really liked them, I just hate the dash, like loathe entirely. They drive nice, decent to work on, seriously tunable for peanuts in comparison to most other motors then I go to look at one and sit in it :(

I dunno how you can be that passionate about the dash tbh! It's defo from the meh school of design. Otherwise nice cars though I agree


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I don't know either, there's certainly worse Dashboards out there. It's probably the old Astra van I did 24hr callouts in years ago *shudders*


ClioSport Club Member
The dash is horrible. It's not so much the dash itself but just how much of a contrast that dull and bland interior is to the exterior.

The exterior has aged really well I think but then you get inside and it's just grim.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
The interior is exactly the same as a 1.6 base model astra and a diesel astravan.

That's the bit I hate about them.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
I can see what people mean about the dash but its no worse than my 182s dash so it doesn't really bother me.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Really like these gsi's future classic

Looking at current prices of them and Astra vxr's I honestly think one of these in the future will be worth more than the Astra H VXR. You can already pick them up for less than £5k if you look around.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Really should stop coming in this thread to look at the pics........... then looking on ebay/PH
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Nice change to the 182 mate, Had a soft spot for these a few years ago in Arden blue. There was a silly powered silver one at rs tuning about a year ago, sounded unreal.

Yeah I never even considered one until the 182 went bang, then I was trying to find something for the same sort of value for money that would offer similar peformance/fun for similar running costs.

I think I know the one you mean, think it was about 450bhp. Silly quick.
  Countryman JCW
Big fan of these as I've said to you previously when you either first had it, or were looking at one in the "what car I'm looking at today" thread. For me they look nice and the sound they give off when played with is brilliant... Can't beat the sound of a decent boosted 4 banger!

havent really seen the interior on one to comment though....
Nice change to the 182 mate, Had a soft spot for these a few years ago in Arden blue. There was a silly powered silver one at rs tuning about a year ago, sounded unreal.
Its in scotland now, was my mates, its at 477bhp now at 1.8bar


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Isn't the worst thing I've seen and certainly a lot better than bonnet raisers.
Yeah I never even considered one until the 182 went bang, then I was trying to find something for the same sort of value for money that would offer similar peformance/fun for similar running costs.

I think I know the one you mean, think it was about 450bhp. Silly quick.

You dont see many on the roads now either, well round this area anyway. It looks nice in silver.

Yeah it was around that power.

Its in scotland now, was my mates, its at 477bhp now at 1.8bar

A good amount of power then lol
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Ha yeah bonnet raisers are awful! I think it pulls the vents off quite well.

Should be wearing Kumho semi slicks next week to!
