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My 1.2 16v Dynamique

  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Right, next possible plan is a 172 rear if anyone has one for sale, hit me up! Only issue I have is I have to get it sprayed up in my colour :(
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
If anyone has a 172 rear bumper, without any exhaust cutouts, let me know! I'm on a major hunt!
  Octavia VRS LE
car looked good yeswterday mate i went and had a look, got a few shots of it aswell i will post once uploaded mate!


ClioSport Admin
Don't just look for a uncut out bumper, thatll limit your search!

I got a 182 bumper and had the cut outs filled... I came across a photoshop I did of your car the other day lol... I'll see if I can find it

Edit: found it! :p

  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Don't just look for a uncut out bumper, thatll limit your search!

I got a 182 bumper and had the cut outs filled... I came across a photoshop I did of your car the other day lol... I'll see if I can find it

Yeah but that'll cost me more money to fill the cuts. haha, a photoshop of mine?
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
It only cost me £70 to get it filled and sprayed. Not mates rates either

That's pretty good. I'm obviously not fussed on the colour, I just want to keep it cheap because I'll need to sprayed in Cherry Red. Think i'll phone a couple of local bodyshops and get quotes.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Emailed one of my local bodyshops, the same place the repaired my Clio after my accident.............and....wait for it........£250! For a bumper sprayed in cherry red! And and I quote 'we will be unable to fill any exhaust holes' wow.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Bit of an update.

Managed to pick up a 172 rear bumper in cup blue today. Just need to save to get it sprayed by 'Spray Shack'. Can't wait to getting it fitted!


ClioSport Admin
I do indeed! Where did you get your bumper done? How much did you pay for the bumper and where did you get it??

Forgot about this sorry! A place local to me did it, £250 is ridiculos to spray a bumper! The guy I went to was gonna charge me £300 to fit a sport bumper to standard wings lol!
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Yeah it should look pretty good :) Yeah, Im not paying £250! Spray Shack quote £165, but I have to pay for a courier to. I'm going to ask a couple of other local places to first. Really want it fitted asap lol.
  Clio 1.2 mk2
Looking good mate! Courier shouldn't cost you too much for a bumper. Also you will be well pleased with the result if you get it done at spray shack. Got most of my stuff done there.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Yeah id rather just save and get a proper job done. If it were smaller parts I wouldnt be as fussed and would have a go myself, but a bumper is a big part tbh.
  A slow blue one.
Sorry to dig up on an old topic in this thread but which interior is that? Did you buy it with the runners included or would the standard runners accommodate the seats?
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Sorry to dig up on an old topic in this thread but which interior is that? Did you buy it with the runners included or would the standard runners accommodate the seats?

These are the RenaultSport seats from a 182. I bought them with runners, I'm not sure if the standard runners will fit, maybe make a thread or do a search mate.
  1.2 Clio Authentique
loving the car dude - i've got the same problem with the air bag light being on as I also have the same seats but seen that you've sorted it! any pics of how you sorted yours out? cheers
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
loving the car dude - i've got the same problem with the air bag light being on as I also have the same seats but seen that you've sorted it! any pics of how you sorted yours out? cheers

Simple 3.5ohm resistors I believe in the connectors, i'll check what ohm they are though, cost mere pennies from Maplins.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Bit of an update:

Should finally be getting my 172 rear bumper back from the sprayers either later today or tomorrow morning. Went to see it today and its looking amazing. They've had some issues with a couple of bits reacting when they lacquer it so they've sanded it back down.
Keep an eye on here and I'll get some pics up when its fitted :D
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF

As stated in my previous post, a few weeks ago I handed my rear bumper over to a company who used an independent sprayer to get it resprayed in my colour, after 3 weeks of him f**king me about, saying things were done and weren't, losing parts, mucking me about etc etc I got it back in the following state after going to his workshop and telling them where to stick it.




Shocking to say the least, covered in paint runs, unfinished, weird flaking. Anyway, I got in contact with 'Sprayshack' on here and they said they'd sort me out and get it looking ship shape again. So, I arranged for collection and she is currently up there getting painted up. They sent me a photo today of the progress so far, and it's looking stunning. Nice to be in safe hands! Can't wait to get it back and fitted.


Anyway, I kept my bumper strip here after chasing the original painter for it back. I managed to get it carbon fibre wrapped by a friend of mine for free, as the original plastic was a little faded and it can be a pain when polishing. Think it looks rather smart :)


Hoping to have it back soon, all together and fitted. Photo's to come :)
  Ibiza Cupra 180
is it easy to get the strip out of the bumper, was thinking of wraping mine too tbh as it looks grey compared to my black
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
I'm not 100% sure if it just pops off or if you need to undo it from the back, which will require you to take off the bumper. I didn't take it off, the shop did.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Well something exciting turned up nicely wrapped from the guys at SprayShack!

Sorry about the crap phone pics, I will get some decent ones tomorrow hopefully,


Took the rear bumper off earlier in the day, but the delivery didn't arrive until 6, so, with a torch in my mouth and the light from my Lego keyring torch, here she is:



The guys at SprayShack did a stunning job, and I can't thank them enough for sorting the mess out for me. I will get some decent photo's either tomorrow or when I'm next free to and its light out.

One small issue ive got is that my insert, one of the clips it broken so one but doesn't sit in properly which is proper bugging me. New insert for me :(
gotta take my rear bumper off soon, well asap, havnt really looked or attempted is it a bugger or it okay? car looks sweet btw. saw it at cs sat :D
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
gotta take my rear bumper off soon, well asap, havnt really looked or attempted is it a bugger or it okay? car looks sweet btw. saw it at cs sat :D

Taking it off is a doddle, I did it in about 15minutes, putting a sport bumper back on is a little more hassle, buts not a hard job.
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
Me and a few mates drove into London last night for some photo's, here's a quick one infront the eye, I'll upload the proper ones later :)

