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My 197 Star Trail....

  Fiesta ST-3
Got a bit cloudy half way through so some of the trail is a bit messy. Not bad effort though.


197 Star Trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

  Fiesta ST-3
What is star trail? Lol. I see the obvious but I don't understand..

Great photo though :)

A star trail is the effect given when you take a log exposure shot or lots of images stacked of the movement of the earth in relation to the stars in the sky! Leaving trails.

Looks good that does. One long exposure or several merged?

I did about 100 images stacked mate. And thanks both.
  Disastra Coupe
Cool. How long overall was the camera there taking shots? I've been tempted to try something like this but i've heard of camera's overheating and don't want to damage mine :( lol.
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
that looks really nice; the colours in the star trails and in the paintwork of the car is amazing! Love the way the car seems to have an inner glow.
  Fiesta ST-3
Cool. How long overall was the camera there taking shots? I've been tempted to try something like this but i've heard of camera's overheating and don't want to damage mine :( lol.

I wouldn't worry mate, I took 100 or more images with 30 second exposures! The shutter is only opening and closing every 30 seconds. I've done much longer exposures before with no bother.

Nimbus 197 mate?

Yes mate?

Thanks for all the comments.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Brilliant shot mate. What did you use to light the car?
  Fiesta ST-3
Brilliant shot mate. What did you use to light the car?

Amazing shot that! As luke said, what did you light the car with?

Believe it or not my IPhone :)


When you say you stacked 100 images, what does that mean?

Wow, great photo!

Would also love the stacking process explained!

So in Essenes I took 105 photos in jpeg formate. 104 of those images are of the picture you but with the stars moving in the night sky. In all of those pictures the car is dark.

Then on the 105th picture I light the car.

Then using software you stack the images on top of each other, thus leaving trails but the car never moves. Then the software uses the last image and you see the car lit up.

Thanks for the comments guys.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Great photo.

Could you not have done it with two photographs though? I.e long exposure picture to get the star trail, normal picture of the car lit up to get the car exposed, mate together?

Your method clearly works but was just wondering if there's a different way to do it.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Interested to see the exif on this one, Scott.

Star trails are so easy to do, I love them !

Booshy - you can do it in one hit, but you end up with an over exposed or generally rubbish picture thanks to the immense light pollution in this country. Middle of the desert or top of a mountain, you might be lucky with one hit.

Plus you risk burning out pixels etc...
  Fiesta ST-3
Great photo.

Could you not have done it with two photographs though? I.e long exposure picture to get the star trail, normal picture of the car lit up to get the car exposed, mate together?

Your method clearly works but was just wondering if there's a different way to do it.

You can do Luke. The problem there is that just to the left of the car you can see orange lights! That was from a ship at sea on a 30second exposure. So imagine the amount of light pollution you would get from two 20 minute exposure.
  Fiesta ST-3
Also taking multiple images allows you to view the image after 30 seconds and alter any faults. I wouldn't like to wait 20 minutes and realise I have a s**t picture.
  Fiesta ST-3
Interested to see the exif on this one, Scott.

Star trails are so easy to do, I love them !

Booshy - you can do it in one hit, but you end up with an over exposed or generally rubbish picture thanks to the immense light pollution in this country. Middle of the desert or top of a mountain, you might be lucky with one hit.

Plus you risk burning out pixels etc...

30 seconds at f2.8. ISO 620 and a fiddle with the white balance :p


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Why the high ISO ?

I'd hope no more than a second - if there was much more, you'd see a gap in the trail anyway. Them stars don't 'arf move...!
  Fiesta ST-3
No James otherwise you would get gaps in the trail. 30 seconds then straight into another 30 seconds all done with a remote.
  Fiesta ST-3
Why the high ISO ?

I'd hope no more than a second - if there was much more, you'd see a gap in the trail anyway. Them stars don't 'arf move...!

When I researched online they recommended either 400 or 600! I found this was the best out of all of them I tried prior to starting the trails.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Fair enough... try 100 or 200 next time and see how you get on ;) If you've got a lens (go on, what was it .. the cheeky nifty is my guess?) doing f/2.8 you're not exactly worried about getting enough light in.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Your iPhone?! Just a 30 sec exposure and you 'painted' it? Quality :D

Impressive mate, quite fancy giving this a go myself!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I've been sating for a while I want to try Star trails, but when it comes to it I really can't be

It's ridiculously easy. Get programmable timer - set for 100 shots - go back indoors. Watch DVD. Go outside, collect camera. StarStax. Upload !

Boom! Week 4/52 here I come lol!!!

Top photo Scott!



Also in the 'I've taken a photo and I like it' thread which I'm guessing will be the 'I've tried taking some star trails and some basturd nicked my camera' thread soon.
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