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My Iceberg ph1.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Glad you got it all sorted out I'm the end, that silver black combo does look pretty cool!
  Inferno 225 cup
Coming on now dude :)

Yellow fogs suit it quite well tbh, sorry my fault for not checking the damn things dude :(

Keep it up.
I'm not convinced on the black wheels tbh, but having 4 round ones is good!

Steering wheel is still at Micks for you Jacob, whenever you're around. Not your fault on the lights, you did me a favour :) I'll have to get some more bulb holders.
  Inferno 225 cup
Ah great stuff cheers mate.

I've got loads to do to mine :( the list goes on, but it will be one of the best titanium ph1's- fresh & oem :) just takes time.
  Inferno 225 cup
I know mate, going for....when I have time/money a full end respray and back bumper seen as I have two now :)

Oh my plates have come but my kisses won't let me have them as my birthday is tomorrow :(

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Another silver phase 1! Why did you get rid of the last one? Will like to see it when all tidied up :)
Got these today.


Think I might go sidestrips too but people seem to want a lot of money for those so will leave it for a while.

Paypal dispute opened with the CS member I bought the engine mounts off seen as I'm being ignored.
I'm sure you've literally found all the dodgy people on the forum or something with you recent purchases lol. All you seem to say is about how parts haven't arrived/are dodgy. Not good...

I dislike the amount of Ph2 in this thread...
So got home and started...


Start stripping the door card down


Door card off


Handle off. I gave the area a bit of a clean too


New handle fitted


All back together


Repeat on the other side then stand back and admire your work

LOL Clarkey.

Are the handles a colour match? Or is the car a little dirty?

You're certainly making a lot of progress though matey. Looks forwards to seeing it properly.
  Inferno 225 cup
They're the same colour mate and the car is dirty.

​No real progress, I want to lower it and refresh the suspension but it'll be a while.

I'm currently looking on gsf and hovering over all the parts for the steering and suspension, everything adds up to loads of £ though :(

Doing well the mate, like I said to phaser it's like we're all in competition ;) just means these are well looked after.

Can't wait to fit my cherry bomb and badboy bonnet init.
Ok, so bulb holders haven't arrived from Llewellyn so I still cannot fit the phase 2 lights.

Still no sign of the engine mounts from Benntrevv and PayPal have given him 10 days to respond to the dispute so think I'm going to be waiting a while for my money back.

Quick summary of parts ordered so far.

From CS members.

PAS pipe from Carbonraider. Sent the wrong pipe.
Steering wheel and handles from Jbm172. Handles sent seperately but no big deal.
Powerflex dogbone from Russ16v - took two weeks to arrive
Uprated engine mounts from Benntrevv - disappeared off the face of the earth, not replying to PMs or providing proof of postage
Uprated engine mount from James23 as the above haven't arrived - Delivered to my door on his way to work, cheers mate :)
Speedo sensor heat shield from Toms_Clio - arrived quickly. Thanks.
Footrest cover from Dan@MAD - not arrived yet but only ordered on Tuesday.
Centre caps from Dan@MAD - arrived quickly, thanks.
One OZ F1 loaned by Sbridgey, delivered to Micks for me. Thanks mate.
Replacement parcel shelf and rear speakers to replace the 6x9s in my car - collecting from James23 some point this week
Phase 2 bootlid - collecting from James23 some point this week

From Ebay.

Mist washer jets

From local scrapyard

Non sport dash top, gear gaitor and steering column surround.
Door switch.

Think that's everything.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Kinda lol'd at naming everything thats not arrived from members etc LOL.

Also, not keen on the phase 2 lights :(
I like the phase 2 lights, really freshens up the rear end :)

I was getting so annoyed with stuff not arriving, being let down etc etc so I decided to write everything down! I've grassed Benntrevv up to the CS admins, I do still hope that he hasn't ripped me off but its not looking good.
