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My insurance goes up every year!

  106 GTi
WTF - It just never makes sense, evey year the renewal comes through more expensive that the last year, despite another years no claims and a year older!

Last Year 26, 8 yrs NCB - £435 f/c
This year 27, 9 yrs NCB - £477 f/c

At least they say they will price match, best quote so far £404

Have you treid Privilege? £320 for me this year.
One good thing out getting older. 31 12years n/c

This years best quote so far is 10 yrs NCB - £365 f/c

Tried Privillage yes - they wanted over 400 quid though.

Did you try APlan Rich ..

I never just go with the renewal .. always shop around :)

No - have they got a website? not payed anything yet as my renewal is not till the 21 of Feb, so still have a chance to shop round more if you have some details please Marie.

Does anyone ever just pay the renewal price without trying to save some cash?

I did with Admiral this year - they were significantly cheaper anyway.

I found that out cheapest quote by far so used them as my price match option which they then undercut by a fiver lol!
  Clown Car
WTF - It just never makes sense, evey year the renewal comes through more expensive that the last year, despite another years no claims and a year older!

Yep same thing happens to me every year despite being nearly 35, driving since i was 17 and never having to make a claim.

I insured last year through Privilege for £399 F/C.
  Milltek'd 182
i think esure and churchill (the one with the dog??) 'guarantee to beat your renewal quote' if you are over 21 and over 3/4 ncb so just say your renewal quote is the cheapest quote you can get...and if they dont beat it do them for false advertising! lol I think its a farce how then can put up a renewal quote and just expect people to pay it and stay with them!
  106 GTi
Well - surprise, surprise, renewal came through today for £410 yeap up again from last years £365, despite another years NCB and a year older. WHY !!!??????

Loads of quotes already at the 320-340 mark already though so the old price matching will be done! That said if I can find a 106 GTi and get shot of it before 22nd of Feb, the Pug will only cost £250 !
I just realised you've been updating this thread regulary lol.

Renewal quotes are always higher each year, insurance companies prob jus hope you'll pay without looking around.
your cars goes up in price due to the coats of wax

defo worth shopping arround for things like this and other types of insurances
  106 GTi
pmsl !

They always say they will match the lowest can't they just give me thay on renewal and save me the hassle of the shopping around, I mean even getting online quotes takes up my valuable time, when I could be posting on CS or surfing for p**n ! lol
  106 GTi
Just narks you get another year older, another years NCB, but it still goes up!

Tried phoning up, picking a number youd like to pay and see if they'll match it. Worked for me after a chat wth 'the manager'.

lol - worth a try, I fancy paying 300 quid this year then !

My insurance is legit for the 1st time this year in a few years ! lol. Its also noticably cheaper than tescos renewal.

Bloody crooks!....

GGR 333 declared ?
  LY V6 with Recaros
Mine seems to have gone up too! Last year I paid around £500, quotes I've had so far this year have been around £700 at the cheapest!!
One year on bump almost and the renewal actually came in lower for once at £395 vs £401 in the end last year.

All be it it only a few quid it actually went down. After the usual phoning around trying to beat the renewal as ever it was possible to get it down a bit more lots of quotes around the the 370-80 mark, Quick phone call to get it price matched and the grand total of £365 in the end.

Does anyone ever just pay the renewal price without trying to save some cash?

I did last year :( Didnt have much choice though as I had a claim pending and so couldnt transfer my 4yrs ncb, could only transfer 2yrs.
  2.0 Auris
Dont just do a renewal apparently if you take out a new policy whit the same company its cheaper.
