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My New Yee - haw Pick Up Truck


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Couple of shots I took at the motorist today after crashing the Ford day. There was a lot of Ford hats and t shirts on display.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Apart from the fuel what’s the other running costs like tax, insurance etc?


ClioSport Club Member
What’s the deal with the MOT is that because it’s over a certain age?

Don’t understand that? Surely there’s going to be more unsafe parts on and older car ?


ClioSport Club Member
Anything that's over 40 years of age becomes mot exempt the following April,

The official line is that classic cars are better maintained, in reality there was a massive MOT data transfer a few years back and they couldn't be arsed to do all the older stuff ( most of which only exists in logbook form in people's drawers when the scrapped their rusty MK1 escort rs2000).


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
The police can still take them off the road if they feel they are unsafe though, right?


ClioSport Club Member
So they guy syphoned the petrol tank, but left well over a tenner in actual money in the car?
