quite a short update this, this was our final landing before we took on the drake again. It was Aitcho island, and is home to more penguins and an elephant seal, this one is female, which means she doesn't have the massive square nose you would associate with one.
come here little boy.......
man this is hard work lying here having my picture taken
lets have a stretch, don't want a double chin...
hmmm, did i just s**t myself?
c**kadoodle doo
ok, i am really tired now, give me a break
i think the one above was my favourite pic from the trip, thats being made into a canvas.
the naturalists giving us our instructions on whats here.
can we be in focus please?
you're getting a bit close mate
i'm just going to slip past you like you aren't here
thought i was looking in a mirror here.
some strange coloured penguin poo here, and if you look at their nests, you can see, then spray it out, then move around a little and do some more, so its like sprayed out in the circle.
that has got to be the toilet!
tomato soup for lunch?
this one had got his foot stuck in some netting the poor thing, he broke free though.
this guy was friendly fresh from his bath
now on the zodiac back to the boat for the last time, we came across an iceberg with some seals on. now i pretty sure the one is possibly dead, seemed to have wounds all over it and I'm sure i saw blood on the ice.
this next one, doesn't look too healthy to me, didn't move, i reckon there had been a bare knuckle fight on this piece of ice!
well that was our final landing, and after this we set sail over the drake, and we were very lucky again to have very calm seas, so we didn't have to pay drakes tax. We were a little disappointed though, after seeing the youtube videos.
i can't even remember what i did on this crossing, nothing probably after the 10 days we had experienced, not much can match up to it. The food was of course excellent still, and we had an amazing dessert with meringue in the shape of an iceberg with a chocolate penguin and blue caracao flavoured jelly for the sea. only got an iPhone pic sorry
so the last update will be the port of Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world.