Update number 6
Right then as promised i have finally got around to getting the camera out and taking a few pics of the latest progress so here we go ....right then after alot of thinking i have decided to ditch the original dash all together as i was going to originally keep the bottom and just " leave" the top off . however this looked a bit half arsed or as if i had lost the top lol so now the whole dash is out i have had to make temporary measures ie. cable ties ...
heating controls ...
me and a mate are thinking of some good different ways of doing the dash :evil: we will see
i also got around to taking a heat gun to all the tar that renault stuck into the car to make it weigh a bloody ton ....
the ceiling tar prooved to be more diificult to remove but i got there in the end ....
after seing another guys project thread and taking a bit of inspiration from it ( burp ) i took a liking to the whole black mirrors-black wheels combo and had to follow ... ( here comes the slating for " copying " ) :rasp:
also i have got around to removing the fog lights as some brake ducts are in the pipeline
picked up some tow stickers as i like them simple as lol .....
and now after recieving this in the post this morning i am going to have to get around to modifying the tow eye holder and stripping the paint off of this . however i might keep it yellow we will see .
some bucket seats have now been sourced and a road trip is planned this week to collect them

cant wait ...kieran :approve: