Update number 8
Right as you know today i took the old girl to the rollers to find out what power its running at ...heres the story

travveling down to bedwas with a mate in the nurburgring ( what a lovely noise lol ) and a few others
there we waited for the guy to open up ready ....
then even though the front is only lowered on 40mm apex springs it was bloody close geeting it over the small bump and into the workshop
and there she was on the rollers being lined up
everything ready it then done its two runs ....
the dyno didnt record torque on the graph so i dont have any record fo that which is a shame but here are the results i got ....
so at the flywheel its recorded as 173.51 which at the wheels makes 134.10 . imo these are decent results as i was well chuffed . expecting about high 150's / low 160's being a 8 year old car . but to find it was up on power compared to when it came out of the factory . although its only by 1.51 lol then it was the astra's turn ...
i wont post the figures of the astra as they found it hard to get a decent reading with it overfueling after a remap but it did get to 160 mph !!! lol