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N73 vs K800i

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
iv always been a nokia man. I had a T610 years back but didnt really like it at all.

Ready for a new contract, and already sent back a N80 (mainly due to orange tossers) but thinking back the slide opening in my pocket was annoying and the cam wasnt that good.

saw the N73 yesterday and got offered a good deal. screen is huge, and it looks great. pics do look very good too.

but im considering K800i. just a bit concerned ill get bored, cos i like the symbian OS for sat nav and loads of other stuff.

n73 cam pics do look better tho from what iv seen, but the K800 is a lot faster, longer battery, better flash, slightly smaller.

any views from the phone gurus?
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
  M2 Competition
My missus has the k800, she loves it. Have had a play with it, it is very easy to use, and the camera is ace.

Apparently the nokia has a slightly better lense.

I went for the d900 to be different, think i may return it, swap it for a k800i though...
  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
ive got a k800i use it as a camera mainly.thats why i had really. ideal with a 4gig card. alot better than my previous M*A*S*H fieldphone
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
ok for anyone interested, i found some reviews.

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]I've used both the K800i and the N73 for about 3 weeks a piece an i have chosen to stick with the N73 for the following reasons:

* The Camera is much much better in all conditions but lowlight (to be honest i only use its cam for quick snaps, i use ma 9.0Mp SLR for good pics!)
* The camera options are much more professional.. things like being able to change ISO levels for one!
* Multi Tasking on the N73 is much much better... once setup right i've had bout 3 or 4 progs runnin an no stutterin or slow down thats noticable!
* When i used the K800i i got about 2 days max out of the battery (i am a very heavy user) but with ma N73 i'm gettin about 4-5 days which am happy with!
* The screen is sooooooooooo huge an makes everything look amazin!
* I just bought a 2Gb Mini SD card for 35GBP can sonys M2 match that for price and size?
* I'm using Quick Office to edit word documents and excel spreadsheets... can k800i users do that?
* I know i cant update firmware at home but to be honest i have no need as i havent found any probs with using the phone yet... and wen i do i'll take it down the road (a 15min walk) to my local Nokia Service Centre for repair or take it to work an have it repaired lol.

Jus to get this clear i aint a Nokia fan boy in fact i was 100% SE before the K800i and then it went faulty an i realised that am bored and annoyed that SE can release crippled phones with buggy firmware and as long as its got a SUPER feature everyone will buy it... The K800i was released too early and this was due to Nokia about to release the N73 trust me....


and advanteages of N73 over K800i

[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]-Much much better video recording (K800 video record is really crap)
- Much bigger physical screen size (N73 is 40% bigger than K800)
- much better PIMs like unlimited phonebook, calendar and of course the very useful active today screen.
- independent voice dialing. K800 is still using voice tags.
- better blog system which automatic log your activities like sms, image/video taking, notes & calendar entries and later allow you to sync to your PC/blog. K800 blog is so rudimentary compared to this.
- Nokia mobile-search - customised yellow pages capability. K800 dont have this.
- Yahoo Go and Google map applications pre-installed (may vary by region)
- PTT and EDGE support (K800 dont have this)
- video streaming via realplayer (K800 dont have this)
- much better multi-tasking (you can have any apps opened instead being restricted to java in K800)
- much better document handling capability (office docs, flash, pdf, web browser). K800 dont even come close.
- more jazzy gallery/image viewer (slideshow with music) and the movie editor thing.
- better profile system incl. going to offline mode without rebooting.
- much better theme system - you can change most of the UI unlike K800 which is restricted to certain aspect like wallpaper.
- unlimited sms storage

  Golf GTD
i have the k800i and for me its extremely fast, camera is fast to load and the phone fits in my pocket nicely.

it is annoying that it doesnt have a symbian os so that the applications are limited to J2ME but at the same time the OS that SE does use is really really quick, which matters alot more to me.

i cant reccommend this phone enough, but as i havent seen or used the N73 i cant say if its a good or a bad phone. |For me though I want a phone that is fast, and the recent nokias seem to be very laggy, which pisses me off immensely.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
the nokias are slower, the old n70 was the worse of the lot, followed by the n80, but iv read the n73 is a lot better. still not as quick as the SE, but i think in terms of features and expandability its a better phone.

the n73 camera does take better pics other than in the dark from the examples iv seen, and the screen is amazing.

wouldnt mind a k800i for a week tho to see what its like.
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  Eunos Roadster
When printing or looking at the photos on a pc screen they are very similar, nokia is a larger phone with a larger screen, when i am demoing the handset at work as i pull it out of my pocket the slide for the camera always opens so this can be a little annoying, also the nokia n series isnt doin to well as vodafone has already discontinued the n80 n91 from their contract range. The sony has a much better battery life, and is a very easy phone to use, the n73's symbian operating system is great for third party software sat nav etc, but is very prone to crashing, and there are also phone viruses that are being sent to symbian phones via bluetooth, in my opinon go for the k800i, but the sony ericsson joystick have always failed over time
Ive got the k800i and haven't got any complaints about it. It is a good phone, and is quite quick. Very quick compared to the N80 I sent back. Think the Mrs is going to get the N73 in a week or 2 so will be able to compare the 2 then.

Carphone Warehouse had a very good offer on the N73. Free phone and free bluetooth headset or memory card. 500 free xnet mins and 1000 freee texts. Was an 18 month contract at £35 a month. I think they said there was 6 months half price line rental as well. That was on vodafone.
