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need for speed underground - so annoying!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
I am on about number 7/8 on the blacklist.

Just need to get my 'bounty' high enough to challenage the next person.

I am driving a cayeanne that is up to level 4 on the heat level. I also have a clio v6 on bout level 2 but is so much slower than the porsche.

Anyhow, on level four i keep getting owned by the flipping 4x4's that ram you head on, they never seem to show up on the radar!

but even worse are the stingers they put out that stop the car and you get owned...

anyone got any advice?

ta :)
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Use shortcuts and also, there are little jumps for getting over the stingers.. look out for them. Apart from that, get to the front, hold the pack up and get plenty of NOS.

(PSP version here)


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i think the ps2 version is a bit different as i haven't sen any jumps :(
  Focus ST-2
change parts on the porsche, it will lower your wanted level, your bounty still stays the same, if not get a new car faster car! lol
