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Need Ideas/Designs For Getting A 182 Style Exhaust On A Non-RS Clio...

  Coiley'd Clio PH2
Ok, heres the story.

A while back i boght myself a 182 rear bumper off eBay with the thought that i would eventually make a 182 replica.
With the bumper at home and fitted to the car i decided the best person to ring would be Charlie from prospeed. He agreed to make me a 182 replica exhaust system, so a week later i made the 300 mile round trip to Cardiff to have it made up and fitted. The end result:


It looked really good when the car was on the ground and you couldnt see right up the exhausts. I just think it looked really odd not seeing the pipe coming from behind the tailpipes!
Anyway, cut to a few months later and the exhaust started to sound terrible. Really fluttery and almost sounding like a blown exhaust to be honest.

I rang Charlie and wasnt happy with the end result now so he said bring it up and we will see what we can do! So another 300 mile round trip later and we were up there. He knew exactly what the problem was but didnt know how to solve it!
The problem is, because of the way the pressure exits the holes in the pipes it ends getting sort of caught up in the tailpipe and starts swirling around and creating the wet fart noise!

What needs to be done is design the exhaust system so that the pipes actually come to the tailpipes from the back instead of the side. There also needs to be two separate pipes, instead of one with holes along it.

So, has anyone got any ideas or suggestions as to how this can be done?
As an extreme option, the tyre well could be cut out which would eliminate all the problems! But dont really wanna be doing this!

  172 cup
why not just block the pipe that leads to the second exit?
so the exhaust only uses the first pipe. the second would then just be for looks.
  clio 182
Nick was you in pro speed?? the same day i picked my RB 182 up from having a full system fittes?? i saw a black ns avin a full system to look like a 182
  BMW E46 330i Touring
The link is to my old one. I never had problems with pressure and funny noises?!? Sounded awesome.
  Coiley'd Clio PH2
Nick was you in pro speed?? the same day i picked my RB 182 up from having a full system fittes?? i saw a black ns avin a full system to look like a 182

Yea, i vaguely remember that!

To the people that are saying, just get a 182:
I know its the same thing everyone says, but insurance is way too much for me at my age.
I tried Adrian Flux and a couple others and was getting quotes in excess of £3500.

So im trying to make the best of it by making mine look as good as possible and sounding while still acheiving relatively low insurance costs and cheaper petrol!
Then when the time is right i will get a conversion done.
