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New Car Delivery Process Qs

  Mondeo STTDCI

Just cosIm impatient.

My 182 was on a trailor delivered to the dealer on Thursday this week. It hasnt "got" a registration yet, which of course I need to get insurance, which of course they need to get it taxed for me!

How long does it take for it to be assigned a reg (if thats the correct turn of phrase!)





I called Renault Birmingham a week before mine arrived and he just went and got a reg out of a book!! I assume dealers have then allocated to them in advance or something.



Well he did give me a choice but none of them meant anything. He tried to get my initials but couldnt.

still quite cool to have the choice... i wish i had a choice, would have saved me a lot of piss taking.
  Full Fat 182 - Was..

i bought my own private plate, says CLIO UK well chuffed

Look on the DVLA website for plates Ive also got J Loose on my other car too :eek:)
  Mondeo STTDCI

my old reg was EU02 KWD.

Which kinda had my DW initials in it. Also kinda looked a bit like WKD. THat was as good as it got.
