Don't get why you guys aren't on cashback deals. My line rental is the equivalent of 2.99 a month.
Care to elaborate? I know this wont be "without a catch"
I'll be buying my phone outright for the first time.
But Vodafone are f**king s**t. I barely get a hint of 3G with them anywhere! Can't wait to move back to O2 or Orange. They were the best all round for signal. Plus I can't wait to upgrade my 4, some days the home button issue really grinds my gears!
I totally agree with the Vodafone comment. Absolute garbage!! I think they are te worst network for Iphone!! Sketchy 3G signal, sketchy signal I'll stop most of the time!! O2 iPhone, perfect everywhere!! I can't even walk in a shop without losing all signal, my O2 iPhone never did that!!But Vodafone are f**king s**t. I barely get a hint of 3G with them anywhere! Can't wait to move back to O2 or Orange. They were the best all round for signal. Plus I can't wait to upgrade my 4, some days the home button issue really grinds my gears!
Have to agree, Voda has easily been the worst network I've been with. Data network is pretty much f**king useless, customer services (at least first and second level) are w**k and stupid hidden charges like "long text" f**k me right off. If O2 would just hurry up and release the f**king Boost Box to none business customers I'd be back with them in a shot but for now I'm stuck with Voda, well unless I get decent O2 signal when I move house shortly. Orange can go suck a dick though.
Ditch the paupers, IMO.
Holy crap! That's sneaky!
Cant wait to be off them now in feb
Voda are amazing (signal and data wise) in Spain, just England where they suck f**king ass. So maybe it's foreign countries, Kevin, where they excel?
It's not sneaky, it's in the Terms on your contract under messages. Just no one reads it, I wouldn't if I didn't work there.
I'll do some digging tomorrow and get you a proper answer, sometimes it's the handset and settings that switch it to an MMS. But I'll find out.
I the terms of the contract, however, Vodafone are the only network to do this. And as its unheard of, it's not commonly known. Sneaky IMO.
Their customer service is awful, and I really feel for the guys in my local store, they have decided to create a ”casual” atmosphere by changing their uniform for just a red shirt... Some of them wearing awful flare jeans and doc marten shoes... They have changed their store layout which coincidently resembles that of an Apple Store... They also have a guy stood by the door holding an iPad greeting customers.. Now where have I seen that before??.....
I used to be a big fan of voda when I moved to them about3 years ago. They're slowly getting worse.
They used to have awesome singal down here, it's becoming very poor now, this sneaky little long text thing and the fact they don't do, and are not planning on doing an all you can eat data plan. Had the cheek to ring me up the other week too trying to give me an extra 750mb of data for the best part of £9 a month extra!
Jog on. Will buy the 5 from apple like I did the 4 then move to another network in feb when my contract ends
I can't say anything but don't speak to soon.
We also have Vodafone advisors in apple stores. It's an agreement we have with them. Go figure![]()
Care to elaborate? I know this wont be "without a catch"
But Vodafone are f**king s**t. I barely get a hint of 3G with them anywhere! Can't wait to move back to O2 or Orange. They were the best all round for signal. Plus I can't wait to upgrade my 4, some days the home button issue really grinds my gears!
Was on O2 and a work mate is on Voda. We travel the entire UK with work and his signal was better for 3G 9 times out of 10. I got sick of poor data coverage so switched to T Mobile, all you can eat jobby. Can't say I've ever seen the phone not have 3G and the signal strength is usually better then Voda. The Orange sharing thing works well too.
O2 and Voda have about 80% 3G coverage, TMob/Orange is around 93%. For me travelling a lot, data is the number 1 priority.
Only found I've been stung for it lately, but it turns out that when you send a normal pauper text over a certain amount of characters (can't remember the limit now) that Voda kindly charge you the price of a MMS for sending it. So much for f**king unlimited free texts, thieving c**ts.