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New to Clio's.......

Hello Everyone - So after owning numerous German cars today I made the big spur of the moment decision to swap my perfectly reliable BMW E46 3 Series with a 2001 Clio 172!!!

The drive home was interesting as the Clio goes like a rocket but.......

  • The headlight covers are really dull - can these be polished?
  • The speedo is working intermittently. Is this a common issue?
  • Are there any easy/cheap mods that I need to know about?

Thanks Guys. Look forward to a pleasurable experience with my new purchase!



ClioSport Admin
hi and welcome :)

Hello Everyone - So after owning numerous German cars today I made the big spur of the moment decision to swap my perfectly reliable BMW E46 3 Series with a 2001 Clio 172!!!

The drive home was interesting as the Clio goes like a rocket but.......
  • The headlight covers are really dull - can these be polished? yeah, theres a guide on here for paid members
  • The speedo is working intermittently. Is this a common issue?
  • Are there any easy/cheap mods that I need to know about? plenty if you have a search around here mate, theyre very capable out of the box though
Thanks Guys. Look forward to a pleasurable experience with my new purchase!

