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New Twingo - couple of photos

So it's essentially the old one, with uglier wheels, stupid fog lights and extra lights in the tailgate.

Fixing what isn't broken on Renault's part I see.
WTF are renault doing??

They are in serious trouble (I read the market share status just before xmas) and they decide that producing this s**t is going to be good for business??

Utter utter nonsense.

I hope they suffer terribly for this, some cnut needs sacking for allowing that.


They seem to have a suicidal design philosophy.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
I seen a picture of a LY twingo 133 on a billboard today I thought it looked alright.

same, seen it when i was on my way to birmingham. they are trying to make it look like a LY 200 with the black bumper middle. ( fogs just make it have a nisank duke appeal )
  260% JCW
No wonder Renault are chopping half of the range, Their car designers should be chopped as well.

TBF, saw a matt black one in Paris, looked alright.


The half rear lights on the bootlid are hideous though.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Old thread, but meh.

Went to look at the new twingo in Renault Cardiff today. Looks awesome in real-life.




Really liked it. Would love one in red/LY
  Fiesta ST-3
I was wondering what your Facebook status was about.

Black looks mint. But you would look even more gay driving that than an MX5.


ClioSport Admin
Hate the lazy eyes, reading glasses and conceptual rear lights that made their way into production.

Renault should've just whacked a front blade on the ph1 and made ly an option. Those are the only things I think that this one has over the old one

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I'm going to stick my neck out and say I like it, well... the front anyway. Looks kinda quirky and different, I sure with some coilovers in the right colour it could look pretty cool.


ClioSport Club Member
A few of us were talking about these on facebook earlier too.

They have grown on me, but I'm still not convinced with the fog lights.
Here's that picture Joe.

Now then, this isn't actually and RS, its just got a 'sport kit' on it. I actually really like it in red.



ClioSport Club Member
Like you said though, people wasn't keen on the 200 when first revealed. I was the same. Now I love it.

Cars just grow on people I suppose.


ClioSport Club Member
hated this a few months back now the old one looks dated compaired to it, its awesome!!

just like the 200 all over again, and remember the mk2 megane with its big arse!
