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New type of speed camera in Notts?


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
A mate of mine was driving down the A610 between Eastwood and the M1 roundabout near Kimberley,
he saw a load of milk crate sized boxes every few hundred yards chained to sign posts,
it wasn't until he was approaching the M1 he saw there were actually cameras poking out the top of them.

He's sh*tting it now thinking he's about to get banned,
it's a 50 road and he was doing around 60 the whole time.

He's also seen them in a few other areas since,
has anyone seen these camera boxes around Nottingham?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
A mate of mine was driving down the A610 between Eastwood and the M1 roundabout near Kimberley,
he saw a load of milk crate sized boxes every few hundred yards chained to sign posts,
it wasn't until he was approaching the M1 he saw there were actually cameras poking out the top of them.

He's sh*tting it now thinking he's about to get banned,
it's a 50 road and he was doing around 60 the whole time.

He's also seen them in a few other areas since,
has anyone seen these camera boxes around Nottingham?

Crikey, what will they think of next!

The number of cameras in Notts is just mental, there is a 1 mile long road near my house with six fecking cameras on it!
  Bus Winker
A mate of mine was driving down the A610 between Eastwood and the M1 roundabout near Kimberley,
he saw a load of milk crate sized boxes every few hundred yards chained to sign posts,
it wasn't until he was approaching the M1 he saw there were actually cameras poking out the top of them.

He's sh*tting it now thinking he's about to get banned,
it's a 50 road and he was doing around 60 the whole time.

He's also seen them in a few other areas since,
has anyone seen these camera boxes around Nottingham?

I drive down this road everyday and I've never seen them. If they are catching people speeding then they're going to make a huge profit because nobody sticks to the 50mph and then 40mph limits further up when the road is clear (Apart from me obviously).
  Nissan 350z
When i had my Snooper fitted I was surprised by how many of the cameras around Notts were actually deactivated. Its since sold and things have probably changed now but it was certainly interesting for the duration I used it.
Aren't they the traffic census thingies? Usually have them two rubber 'rope' thingies nearby on the road, however sometimes they have a camera on them instead.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
When i had my Snooper fitted I was surprised by how many of the cameras around Notts were actually deactivated. Its since sold and things have probably changed now but it was certainly interesting for the duration I used it.

I went past a forward facer at about 40 in a 30 the other day (my bad, was stupidly looking at the road to see if a kid ran out rather than staring intently just at the speedo and ignoring the outside world like I should do) and Ive not had anything through yet after a week, so I am hoping that is still the case!


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
They sound like the ones to monitor the flow of traffic. Are there any of the camera pictures near there? (as I don't think they can do you without relevant notification of potential speed cameras).
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
They sound like the ones to monitor the flow of traffic. Are there any of the camera pictures near there? (as I don't think they can do you without relevant notification of potential speed cameras).

They can do you but IIRC instead of them keeping it locally the money goes to central coffers so they never do.


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
They can do you but IIRC instead of them keeping it locally the money goes to central coffers so they never do.

Sorry...I meant that they prefer to notify you of their existence so they can keep the fine.

One thing that makes me laugh is how some big wigs used to say about speed awareness courses being a waste of time are now owners or share owners in these places and are loving the money they're making!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
f**k sake, come June i'll be driving that road every day! How annoying.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Aren't they the traffic census thingies? Usually have them two rubber 'rope' thingies nearby on the road, however sometimes they have a camera on them instead.

That would certainly make my mate happy,
he's now sh*tting it expecting to get banned, he's got a clean licence too.
If there was cameras, they would have been sign posted. They can't put speed cameras up without signage. Hence why most of them are in f**k off yellow boxes, or in marked vans.

I highly doubt he saw cameras, and if they was they would have been traffic monitoring ones


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
His 10 year old lad told him they were cameras which my mate didn't believe,
until he took a closer look and saw them sticking out the top of the boxes,
he also said they were pointing towards oncoming traffic,
rather than just firing a laser across the road at a right angle.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
His 10 year old lad told him they were cameras which my mate didn't believe,
until he took a closer look and saw them sticking out the top of the boxes,
he also said they were pointing towards oncoming traffic,
rather than just firing a laser across the road at a right angle.

Being cameras doesnt mean they are speed cameras automatically though Dave.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I know, just thought i'd ask as Notts is speed camera crazy,
every point i've had on my license I got in Nottingham.

I really hope they're traffic flow cameras as my mate's had nothing but bad luck for the past year.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
I know, just thought i'd ask as Notts is speed camera crazy,
every point i've had on my license I got in Nottingham.

I really hope they're traffic flow cameras as my mate's had nothing but bad luck for the past year.

Sounds like he is probably ok Dave based on this thread.
But obviously sweat it for 2 weeks and find out for certain!


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
The wait is the worst bit, he was just about to buy a second car for the motorway too,
as his L200 pickup isn't ideal for long journeys, he was looking at an RS6 or a BMW 730 and this has knocked the wind out his sails a bit.

He's going to get his boy to take a photo of one later,
as soon as I get it i'll stick in here so we see what he's on about.

Just spoke to him on the phone and he said there were mobile speed camera signs on the road next to them,
he said without exaggerating he nearly got crashed into at least 10 times because of people
slamming on the anchors and swerving when they saw them,
he's also seen them in 20mph school zones.

He said the one's on the A610 weren't there yesterday morning on the way to work,
but were there that evening after he'd picked his lad up.
  Albi Blue 200
They surely cant be speed cameras unprotected down at ground level? Ill give it a month before the local pikeys have baseball batted them all
  Bus Winker
I've just drove by them. Some are at ground level and some are raised. Looks very ropey for speed cameras. I'm guessing some kind of survey.
I drive down there most days, Cant say I've even noticed them :eek:

If he's getting banned then I will be too, Be reyt.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I thought a feasibility study for specs in notts went like this:

Is it a road?

Study approved.

Close Chip. Now they use the following:

Is it a road?
Is it a busy main route?
Can we easily make £20k a day?
SPECS scheme approved.

They are slightly more impartial now


ClioSport Club Member
They are the census ones, had 2 right outside my work last week, they have stickers on saying so and they are normally chained to lampposts so the local youth don't get free cameras
