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NITROUS sorted - cheap

OK peeps,

After sorting it all,I can supply you with N20 kits with every thing inc and postage inc too for 100 quid off retail price. And they retail @ around £596

A brand spanking new, no bodge parts, everything inc to get up an running in about 3 hrs (if it takes a long time).

All for £496 all in.(y)

These kits are the best you can get and im running a set myself.

Now this means that i have to get at least 5 orders for the 100 quid off......

if not, individual orders (min of 2) will cost 530 quid which is still a saving off 66 quid.
  350z & 16v Maxi

I could sort it out cheeper than that for you lads if i get enough people interested, take it your interested Ben. I could sort it out a lot cheeper, i am talking about another hunderd or so off of BEns price. HAve a look at Wizard of NOs, that is the kit i could sort out.


any questions e-mail me at

I have N20 alrady thanks.

The kit could supply is from trev at who supplies it to all thelike of wizzards and high power etc etc.

But how could you get it cheaper? he already gave me a huge discount.

PM me please

I am interested for sure.

A couple of questions

- With DIY fitment is it easy to go wrong? Im not a total novice when it comes to wielding a spanner, but with something like NOS I am obviously a bit cautious. I dont want my clio to go bang bang.

- How easy is it to source refils?

- What kind of jets should I fit to my 1.4? 25bhp? 50bhp? Any advice would be appreciated

- Is it easy to remove and refit to another car?

Cheers guys

The kit comes with instructions and is dead easy.

Basically, there is simple wirering up, but if you can wire a switch up to turn something on/off then your sorted.

a bit of plubling in which involves cutting your fuel line for teh T peice and putting the pipeing from teh back of the car to the fron, bolting on a few really is very simple.

I have the Kit on my MK1 XR2 (86BHP) with 50bhp jets and it is about as fast as a std good fun........but wait till teh race motor goen in next week....hehe.

You can swap it over to other cars yes, and as long as your engine is fine then you should experice no probs once setup during its entire service life. Remeber, my XR2 is 20yrs old and i slapped it on......

sourcing refils is up to you, you will need to find a supplier near you.....but tis not up a N20 company and they can probably tell you.

you get 25bhp initially, but once its all setup, its only a matter of changine jets to get mroe power, but its up to you to decide if you NEED it.

Si: no N20 on my 172, its highly illegal in HK so i cant fit it. but it would fly yes!

Hey Ben do you know if it is legal to have N20 installed when your car goes for an MOT? Or would it need to be removed?

Also at a guess how do you think 25bhp jets would improve my acceleration? As standard 0-60 = 11.5secs

Also would it be necessary/ a good idea to get a remapped chip fitted to increase the fueling?


No need to alter any off the cars std running setting apart from ignition settings. You *might* need to r****d the ignition by a little, such as 2 deg to avoid pre ignition. But its not a big deal, swivell the dizzy a little and job done.

Alternatively you can run higer octane fuel first to see if this is all thats needed with a small shoot.

you will feel the increase in torque alot at low rpm and itll probably help shave a second off or more. Mine has gone from 9.6 secs to 7.2 secs on N20 alone. not too bad.

I have had no problems getting my car MOTed with N20 in place and i shouldnt see why you cant. You can ask Nick what he does.....but i cant see him removing it all for a little MOT. N20 is not illegal.
  clio williams, Ph1 172

Are we talkin less than £400? Sounds interesting. Darent fit it myself though. Anyone wanna help?? Cant afford it right now though. Will be after christmas probably. Im from nr sheffield if anyone knows how to fit it.

Do ya think with NOS Willys will break into the 5secs 0-60?

After Christmas im looking @ getting traction control system fitted also, Can anyone enlighten me with cost of getting this fitted. and which manufacturer?


  Renault Laguna Coupe

Thats my problem too. Love to have it but would need a lot of help fitting. We should have a weekend get-together and fit them all at once!

Mike, with ours it would be a minor remap to bring the timing in good and proper not worth doing it without doing it right, well thats my 2penth anyway.

Jamesc2 - For traction control, have a look at the RaceLogic gear, meant to be tops, TimO runs it on his Mk1 172 and it seems to do the trick - website shouldbe something like
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Roamer - the shopping list is getting longer & longer! I need to see my boss about some more money. Agree about the re-map, but theres an issue here; presumably whatever map is used could not possibly know whether the gas was on or off, so it might need to be a bit of a compromise at the top-end. Wouldnt use NOS very often I dont suppose, so getting a map that was good for normal and NOS might be quite difficult I guess. Dual ECUs anyone??

Hmmm... would a renault garage be able to fit a traction control system?

As Willy2s dont come with ABS, wheel sensors need to be added to the hubs for the traction control system to work..... or is this a job any garage could do?

OK after more talks, i can supply them to you @ a total cost excluding shipment (about 22 quid) of £410......and would come with a 5lb bottle instead of 11lb.

This would need an order of 10 kits though........

For the alrger bottle is an extra 50 quid. OR, if your really sneaky you can use what i use. CO2 fire extinguisher bottles. I run 2 9lb CO2 bottles and they are perfectly fine.....cheaper, especialyl if you get old discarded ones....or nick some....LOL

RE: fitting, it is nothing to be scared of. if you can wire up a light socket, an amp or your Tv, cable and VCR, then its not problem what so ever. All you have to do is find out where you want to mount to solenoids and either drill holes to bolt them on, or use existing bolts to attatch a steel plate, with all the solenoids and anciliaries on. It comes with complete instructions and i am only a phone call away from any help needed. If you are close i could help myself.

Traction control with N20 might no be a sucha good idea. Holding RPM at full throttle whilst pushing loads of N20 through is a bit tricky. You will have loads of torque to play with for long periods. You will also waste alot of N20 out teh exhaust as its not being used.

RE the ignition settings, instead of remapping you 172 ECU, for example, to cope with the ignition r****d needed to run the N20 and thus loosing some of the normal max power, you can employ one of the following or both. Either rely on just the std knock sensord to r****d the ignition as needed to avaoid detonation, which has been proven to run perfectly fine with many 172s. OR but a r****d module to set the amount of r****d to want to apply to the std ignition settings. Say 1.5deg r****d per 1000rpm......this would not affect the normal runign as it would be switch operated onboard the dash.

Hope this helps peeps, i have worked hard to get it.

James, geting into the sub 6 sec barrier will be hard using n20 can do it, but i would need 100bhp jets and a progressive system, possibly direct port too......but i would nick about 2-3 secs off your 0-100mph time on 50bhp jets.

ooooooooh sweet!!



choices.. decisions... :D

although 40mph is top s[eed in jersey! LOL that means id out run the police... ;)

Oh, BTW, i forgot to mention that N20 when used smells dicerning ly like sweet strawberries...quite addictive.


and dont suck on the tanks, the N20 in there is Nitrous has sulphur dioxide in there to prevent substance abuse....i have tried yes.

Ben that sounds like an excellent deal.

I am sure you can appreciate that I am not bothered who I buy the kit from I just want the best price/deal

Anyway like I said before, count me in definately!

Let me know if/when enough people are up for it.

I have a few other queries regarding NOS generally can I email you?
  350z & 16v Maxi

Right folks seen as Ben R has reduced the price again ill let him supply you with the kits. I could probaly knock another 30 odd pounds off of Bens price and would only need about 7 people to get it at this price. You need to all get it from one person tho as if it split between the 2 then we wont get it as cheep.

Ben if you cant get 10 kits sorted out then i can do it with 7 so people just let me and Ben know who wants it and well sort it out for you.

We only have one definet just now, Ben P so we need a lot more than that if this is to work.

I will have a word with the missus about an early Xmas present, will let you all know, if I could pay by card then it would not be a problem I dont think put me down as a 50% possibility.

The only thing that bothers me with fitting is that on the 1.4 clio there is no inlet ducting. The filter sits right on top of the throttle body. So when installing the NOS injectors would I have to drill into my inlet manifold?
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Need some photos of the under-bonnet stuff. What are the chances we can compile a decent how-to guide for NOS installation?

i have a streetblaster 100 for sale complete with proper 11lb bottle and gauge. lookin for £350.

im from west yorkshire, give me a call if ure interested.

07990 986225 Andy
  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Hi guys, Im not able to take part in your offer (distance being a factor here )but Im really interested in getting a N2O too.

I would really love it if you could do up a DIY instruction set with pics as that would really make my life easier, because like the other guys Im a bit of a novice here. Im normally good with techy things but instructions would be great.

Also do you have a list of everything the kit provides as I have found a place where I can get a kit from (I think its a NOS kit) but I just wanna make sure they provide everything Ill need for a DIY job.


Overboost, how long have you had the kit and what condition is everything in?

I am quite a way away but I might be interested if you would be willing to maybe meet me part way? (Birmingham)

email me mate">

BenP: email me at">

My carbed setup has a filter on top, but i solved that with a simple bracket....or you can fit direct port, teh injector comes tapped to suit so it can be used anywhere.

Oh, and just ask overboost about support before you buy.......or your on your own that far........

Coolspot: the kit is basically the same for both inj and carbed bar a few small but essensial parts, namely another fule carbed pumps supply at around 4 psi only.

16V clio: you can pay direct into the account so no probs

Colin: Well sort it out, no worries!

Viceroy: Shipment can be sorted to anywhere in the problems. And NOS kit from teh US is much more inferior tot eh kit we are supplying, it wears faster and doesnt work as well with heat, plus its more expensive.
  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Hmmm How much do you reckon shipping would be to ship the lot to South Africa? (or will the 22 quid do the job).

I may have found a local supplier of the StreetBlaster 100 kit. I say I may have found because the pic on the web site is the same pic from Highpower but they havent replied to my query yet...well see

ask tehm how much postage is for them then add that to the cost were offering.

I would say about 40-50 quid next day, cheaper if you want for snail mail.

Im interested!!! as long as i dont blow myself or more importantly my valver up! From manchester and have cash waiting for a prefferably fitted NoS, any takers???

you wont blow up your valver.

as long as you follow correct setting up and your engine is sound, as it will eb with only 26K miles on it!!!

The kit is cheap as it is mailed to you and you fit it. But it is dead simple. If you can wire up your TV and VCR then your sorted. all it needs is the on/off switch and microstitch (throttle operated) wired in line to the pulsoids.

setting up is a matter of set checks to do, and running a little bit of r****d on teh ignition side. ALternatively, if you dont want ti run permanent r****d, then you can buy a r****d module from lumenition and wire that in to work as an on/off instant r****d for your std simple.

please go here and join up, you can then see pics of my N20 setup that i run and just how simple it is.

ok, i want a kit, can i have an all in price(vat,delivery etc.) and paying details plus can anyone fancy delivering/fitting the kit for $$$?

yes the kit is supplied by NosWizard.

the kit will be delivered to your door, cant change that really.....

and no i cant go through that agent, but you can certainly ge then to set it up one you have installed it if you dont feel up to it......but again its dead simple.

If anybody interested could email me @">benrushworth@hotmail.comcan sort out teh list and see how many people we can get together.

PLease include a rough time of when you are looking to get it and what you interested in, your car details, address, contact # etc etc

The discount all depends on how many people we can get together, like i said, if we can get 10 people or more (from any souce no just cliosport) then were looking at a large discount. only a few people like 2 or 3 will end up with about 70 quid off.

So, tell all you know!
