OK after more talks, i can supply them to you @ a total cost excluding shipment (about 22 quid) of £410......and would come with a 5lb bottle instead of 11lb.
This would need an order of 10 kits though........
For the alrger bottle is an extra 50 quid. OR, if your really sneaky you can use what i use. CO2 fire extinguisher bottles. I run 2 9lb CO2 bottles and they are perfectly fine.....cheaper, especialyl if you get old discarded ones....or nick some....LOL
RE: fitting, it is nothing to be scared of. if you can wire up a light socket, an amp or your Tv, cable and VCR, then its not problem what so ever. All you have to do is find out where you want to mount to solenoids and either drill holes to bolt them on, or use existing bolts to attatch a steel plate, with all the solenoids and anciliaries on. It comes with complete instructions and i am only a phone call away from any help needed. If you are close i could help myself.
Traction control with N20 might no be a sucha good idea. Holding RPM at full throttle whilst pushing loads of N20 through is a bit tricky. You will have loads of torque to play with for long periods. You will also waste alot of N20 out teh exhaust as its not being used.
RE the ignition settings, instead of remapping you 172 ECU, for example, to cope with the ignition r****d needed to run the N20 and thus loosing some of the normal max power, you can employ one of the following or both. Either rely on just the std knock sensord to r****d the ignition as needed to avaoid detonation, which has been proven to run perfectly fine with many 172s. OR but a r****d module to set the amount of r****d to want to apply to the std ignition settings. Say 1.5deg r****d per 1000rpm......this would not affect the normal runign as it would be switch operated onboard the dash.
Hope this helps peeps, i have worked hard to get it.
James, geting into the sub 6 sec barrier will be hard using n20 alone.....you can do it, but i would need 100bhp jets and a progressive system, possibly direct port too......but i would nick about 2-3 secs off your 0-100mph time on 50bhp jets.