right my random itermittent fault is back to say the least im extremely f**kd off.
the fault (electrical) happens when i have the clutch fully down and am near stand still. the elec coil light comes on the car dies. turn it back on it starts hunting erratically then will die again unless i rev the sheet out of it. drive up the road a bit then it will go out only to possibly cut out again when I come to another junction.
this fault has started after it stopped for ages.
map and coil are new, well few months old and tb was inspected by renault who said the only fault the clip threw up were old ones so what could it be?
please someone help before my patience fully runs out.
I was thinking somethings loose or a bad earth. the petrol station where it usually happens has a bad pot hole coming in. today it came on when i drove off a kerb.
the fault (electrical) happens when i have the clutch fully down and am near stand still. the elec coil light comes on the car dies. turn it back on it starts hunting erratically then will die again unless i rev the sheet out of it. drive up the road a bit then it will go out only to possibly cut out again when I come to another junction.
this fault has started after it stopped for ages.
map and coil are new, well few months old and tb was inspected by renault who said the only fault the clip threw up were old ones so what could it be?
please someone help before my patience fully runs out.
I was thinking somethings loose or a bad earth. the petrol station where it usually happens has a bad pot hole coming in. today it came on when i drove off a kerb.