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number plates and car graphics

any want any ?

near enough every ting is avalable from standard plates to ones cut to size

smae with graphics, giz a pic an i can make ya a sticker of it, or we have a full catalogue online at

any questions about anything just ask



Looks like youve got a lot of stuff on there!

One thing though - I thought that the manufacturers had come down hard on people using "proper logos"? i.e. a genuine badge design on the ghosting/end tag is not allowed I thought? Just a thought!

we never had problems with owt like that as it is like a very cheap advertisement for them, thats what i reckon anyway!

we once had a bloke complaining we didnt have his logo in our catalogue :eek:


we now have a new range of translucent sunstrips available if anyone id interested

light blue

dark blue


others arriving shortly on request

Post code ??? :confused:

Im well confused. lol.

ive never seen registerationplates with post codes at the bottom


  Shiny red R32

There was a new rule introduced a few months ago, where the postcode of the supplier of the plates has to be included on the bottom of the plate. Im not sure, but I think also that in order to get new plates made, say at Halfords or the local garage or dealer, you have to prove that you are the owner of that particular car, so probably have to show the V5 document. This rule was introduced to try to cut down the number of people buying and using false plates to carry out thefts, bank raids etc.


Only one standard typeface will be legal — the Charles Wright Font.
Buyers of replacement plates will have to produce documentation proving they own the vehicle they are purchasing plates for.
The number plate of the seller must be marked with the name and postcode of the seller.
From 1 September any new number plates must carry the British Standard number: BS AU 145D.
Number plates must carry the name and identification of the number plate manufacturer.
  Toureg vW Transporte

sbm bailey, can u make me a little no. plate for the front, like a motorbike one, normal shape just a bit smaller, how much would it be mate, thanx
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Scott - can you make ordinary stickers - the normal peel-off-the-backing-and stick-it-on-a-wall type? I need 500, 3 colours, 4" x 2".

telford_mike - yep no probs

if ya send me a pic to"> i will give ya a price

  Toureg vW Transporte

can u send me ur address then please mate and ill send u a cheque, we are on about the same thing, slightly smaller than normal but not tiny so im gunna get pulled all the time, thanx mate
