Just read this article - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolo...y-Black-Ops-multiplayer-hands-on-preview.html
Sounds awesome!!! Cannot wait!
It does look More awesome everytime I see a trailer. I really hope lag doesn't spoil it.
Ultimately these games are not fun, because they don't allow you to shoot innocent civilians, unlike other games like GTA. For example, image 6: I've always wanted to shoot a family of Belgian EU bureaucrats sipping Gluhwein on a ski lift in Switzerland, but alas there are no killable civilians in these games, only bad guys
Lag is the games fault actually. It's to do with servers and the code it's written in. Obviously some is down to your own connection but the cod servers are overcrowded. Just watch the screen when harriers come in. That's the game lagging.
And giving pc dedicated servers is a cop out. Pc has to be the smallest market for cod.
^^^ <90ms ping I was getting last night. A few games it put me in a 100ms ping games...they were awful.
Annoyingly I too have a decent connection/line. It only effects COD so must be a COD issue. Bad Company 2 is fine..FIFA is fine etc etc.
erm the 360 and ps3 dont have dedicated servers at all for modern warefare 2 one player is host and its their response to handling requests that dictates the response speed and subsequent lag.
the issue we have is that almost all of us run adsl so have much slower upstream transmission speeds this is where dedicated servers come in handy as they can respond to requests much quicker as they are running much faster connections also the process of collating the location of all the action is done on the server rather than one persons xbox so it is able to do it much faster.
example i cant host for s**t in modern warefare 2 it is unplayable for everyone else bar me as im the host i have the most upto date info on the actual locations on the players
Yeah I meant I tested my ping at pingtest.com not going off the game finder in cod. Lol
I don't have any problems with Lag, ever. Maybe once in a 4 hour session it goes a bit jittery that is it.
That is because I have an amazing connection, and don't join any lobbies that are more than 65ms ping.
Net/com tomato tamata. Lol
The spas is being removed.![]()
ah never, what other shotguns they have?
None! I dunno Gedi just playing with ya cos I know you love em. I pretty sure I read the shotguns will be a main weapon only though, back to handguns for secondary.
^ Coolshop is cheapest, Geddes!![]()