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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

  Mk2 ph1 clio
Facking love demolition, I've just realised what tac inserts are good for lol

Just had a pretty decent game with Alymac and Dredz we won 2-0 and i think i finished 27-6 with a 15 killstreak in there... was hoping for a flawless but as usual the f*ck up fairy visted me again!

Rendering the video now, its only about 5 minutes long too! Quick games!
  Mk2 ph1 clio
Heres the game me alymac and dredz had, i went 27-6. Nothing amazing KD wise but i felt like it was a solid game.

Watch in HD.

Also let me know what you think about the recording itself. It has little tweaks to the framerate + sharpening to get a little bit of a bettr image out of it.
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  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
wish they would take out rc-xd's out of the game, they are the most annoying,cheap easy to get killstreaks ever
  Fiesta ST-3
Really getting into Headquarters now. Such an easy way to get xp. Just piss me off the people that wonder around killing and not playing the game type.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I never seem to survive them point blank, unless it's been patched?

No idea? I've only just started playing demoliion and never uses flack jacket until then so can't comment on what it was like before! It seems to work now, many times they have came near me and killed the team mates a bit further away from the rc car!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I seem to get killed by every rc xd out there. Can't believe all the noobs that use it. I've sort of got a good thing going with saving my napalm and mortar strike and doing them at once. Got a few quads that way now then it's all about the Huey. I must admit I do miss ac130's they are the coolest killstreak ever in the history of killstreaks.
Really getting into Headquarters now. Such an easy way to get xp. Just piss me off the people that wonder around killing and not playing the game type.

Me and my mate were playing this... We were getting massive amounts of rage as alot of the time it was just us 2 going for the objective, the rest hitching up their tents in corners.
Btw, added you matey.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Played TDM on Havana last night, i like that level. Must have been playing the most organised group. Couldnt get down the map, at all. I dont consider myself superb but im far from crap. The old 'team i was in were crap' excuse comes out but hats off to them, well and truely owned. Still enjoy playing though. But people who camp can they please f%$k off.

  Mito Sportiva 135
We have been doing lots of team tactical, with 3 or 4 of you it's the best mode. Lots of points too! Second prestige before too long!
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
hmm think ill just give up on this game.... the lag is laughable! fire 20-30 bullets at someone and most dont register then get nailed by a single bullet to the leg...... joke


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'm not a fan so far, seems very childs play if you ask me.

The perks and attachments are rather gimiky where MW2 seemed more real.

I'll keep plugging away but it's no battlefield imo.

Just for talking, see the map with the buses and houses. Compare that to the same shape map in MW2 (I think) the one where you are on either side of the map and the road through the middle, a little town. MW2 is leagues ahead.
  Mito Sportiva 135 what you mean, but it's harder than MW2 so definitely no child's play and I think the classes are more balanced, no real unfair perks and less noob tubes.

Agreed it's no BC2 though, love that game!


ClioSport Moderator
That map has some awesome uses.

Playing with a party you actually know, say 8 people, all snipers only etc. Game types like that are really well suited to it.

Didn't play MW2, but this seems ok. Not amazed, but yeah, it's not bad.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Okay it's not childs play. I'm trying to think of the word. "More colourful" Doesn't seem good enough for me.

And I really think it's down to Trey (sp) being involved. I don't think the maps are half as good as MW2, maybe a little more practice and i'll enjoy it more.

Just seemed a little gimiky, i'm not saying mw2 was stripped back but in comparison to BO it seems that way. Gun, grenade and a man and go for it.

Maybe i'm wrong. Time will tell. Oh and the lag is bad and my connection has become really good over the past week.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Gally I think I know what you mean, although as I've played it more I have become more impressed with Black Ops, where as I got more annoyed with MW2.

For me the Team Tactical is the way to go! The wager matches are also great and now the connection issues are ok, I am liking it.

Still, will probably be going to play BC2 Vietnam this Christmas!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yes Vietnam is going to make my holidays special this year! 2 weeks off! :eek:

Hopefully the ps3 gamers will be playing aswell.

I'll keep at black ops and see how I go, if I get a good couple of solid hourse it might get better but part of me thinks i'd rather just use the hourse to pwn at BF! :eek:

Grrrr! Haven't even opened GT5 yet and pes11 is gathering dust!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
The pattern I've seen so far is if you arnt keen on BO when ya first play ya probably never will. It seems to be the gamers who started on mw2 and not cod4 + WAW. I was playing mw2 on xbox on Saturday and I stll think BO is better even with the lag. Yeah the maps are bigger on MW2 but players didn't even use all of it so it's a waste of time in a sense.
Try playing it with me gally. Ya mite learn summit. Lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'm struggling to get parties going mate, joining system ain't great between me and mates.

I hated WAW aswell stupid water pistol guns! I'll keep at it and invite me or text me if we're both online mate. I'll be on at about 5 today?
  Bus w**ker
Spotted you re-appear on PSN last night Gally, about f**king time you got your PS3 sorted lol.

I wasn't keen on BOs when I first got it, but now I love it...well apart from when Treyarch f**k it up with some s**t update or because it crashes my PS3 and forces me to format it just to get the f**king game working again - and breathe.

I hate MW2 with a f**king passion, full of kids that think running around quick scoping or with a 'nade laucher takes skill or glitching to f**k so they can cheat to a win. Ghey. Very, very ghey. I liked BFBC2 when I first got it, but quickly got bored of it. Seems that all you need to do to win is camp and I'm far more into run and gun. Doubt I'll bother with the Vietnam DLC.
  Fiesta ST-3
Me and my mate were playing this... We were getting massive amounts of rage as alot of the time it was just us 2 going for the objective, the rest hitching up their tents in corners.
Btw, added you matey.

Urgh tell me about it mate. Look forward to having some games online.
bought this on day of release and only just got round to playing it last night and i can honestly say i prefer mondern warfare 2, the graphics arnt that great and the stoory mode seems abit samey as the others.

the online play is rather awesome though, i like some of the new guns and maps but ive only played it for 3 hours so im only at level 5 so still alot to go.

overall its alright
  Mito Sportiva 135
Really? I personally think the SP so far is quite cool and the graphics are same as MW2, just a different design ethos.

Needs a couple more open maps though!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I agree about people on MW2 and I think BO will get similar people the longer it's out.

BF I think is something different from both of them with expansive maps okay the game modes need improving drastically but the game and shooting itself is simple and real.

I'm no camper, I don't know how to camp but I like the game and the way it plays online is faultless compared wih the laggy BO's just frustrates the hell out of me!

Brand86 even my COD diehard mate says the maps are pish!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Gally - Rush on BC2 is sublime! Don't agree with you there in that the ones they have are great, but maybe could have a couple more modes, without going too mad as more isn't always better.

On BO I think the maps are better suited to objective based games rather than pure TDM, even Cracked is good on Domination, where as on TDM it makes my blood boil!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Gally - Rush on BC2 is sublime! Don't agree with you there in that the ones they have are great, but maybe could have a couple more modes, without going too mad as more isn't always better.

On BO I think the maps are better suited to objective based games rather than pure TDM, even Cracked is good on Domination, where as on TDM it makes my blood boil!
I like conquest/domniation.

Yeah I meant modes on BF, needs more as rush and conquest isn't enough imo. Needs a team deathmatch with no objectives. :)

Scott S

ClioSport Club Member
  172 Flamer & ER-6F
I think I might have to buy a new router. My current one has randomly reset itself twice today. I was just about to start a game and it cut me off.

Well, prob easier changing broadband suppliers to get a new modem to be honest.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Unless it's rush then no I don't think so.

Ha it does mate! Only 3 modes: deathmatch, rush, conquest! Deathmatch is the least good though I think! For me anyway. You get multiple teams on a map though so quite good I just prefer objectives.
